Gauntlet - cbETH Cap Recommendation for Optimism (2024-08-11)

Simple Summary

Gauntlet will use Cap Guardian to increase the Supply and Borrow Cap for cbBTC.

Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap
cbETH 30 50

Gauntlet will be utilizing the Cap Guardian to enact this change as voted by the community within this forum post.

Supporting Data

The largest supply position (0xea6a5607d6563) in cbETH is utilizing 90% of the available supply cap liquidity, despite having no active borrow positions. The absence of collateralized positions against cbETH currently limits risk exposure to the OP market.

cbETH Liquidity

Liquidity Sources

Dex Category Pool address TVL(mil)
kyberswap_elastic_optimism 0x7c026964f94820808d7013b115bfe99a1b0aab7c 0.18

The liquidity for cbETH is primarily concentrated within this KyberSwap v3 pool. Any further increases to the cbETH supply cap will be constrained unless there is a significant enhancement in cbETH’s overall liquidity profile.

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Gauntlet - cbETH Recommendations

Given the volatile liquidity on Kyberswap, we recommend revising the caps for cbETH with the below recommendations:

Asset Current Supply Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
cbETH 50 2


The 25% slippage for cbETH is about 1,700 USD, indicating extremely poor quality of liquidity which could influence the risk factors for cbETH as collateral.

However, given the liquidity, the current user positions reflect supply only or recursive borrowing against their cbETH collateral. In light of this, we do not observe a high degree of risk and only recommend reducing supply caps for immediate measures.