Gauntlet Guardian - Cap Recommendations for DAI and rETH

Gauntlet Guardian - Cap Recommendations for DAI and rETH

Gauntlet’s Base Recommendations

Simple Summary

Gauntlet will use Cap Guardian to increase Borrow Caps on rETH on Base, and decrease Supply caps for DAI.

Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
DAI 7,500,000 6,500,000 6,000,000 No Change
rETH 600 No Change 100 200

Gauntlet will be utilizing the Cap Guardians to enact this change as voted by the community within this forum post and proposal.

Supporting Data

DAI Cap Recommendations

Borrow Cap Usage

The DAI Borrow Cap has increased over the 75% threshold.

DAI Circulating Supply and Holders

However, Gauntlet doesn’t recommend an increase in Borrow Cap and instead suggests a decrease in Supply cap to 6,500,000. This is due to the drop in circulating supply of DAI on Base to 7,500,000 from the highs of 24,000,000 DAI. Reducing the supply cap along with moderating rewards rate for DAI would constitute a two-pronged approach in reducing risk for DAI on Moonwell Base. The above recommendations are made as preventive measure to not accumulate bad-debt to the protocol.

The largest positions supplying DAI are borrowing corellated assets or borrrowing recursively. Gauntlet will continue to monitor these positions closely.

DEX Liquidity and Cap Usage

Asset Borrow Cap Supply Cap Borrow Cap Usage Supply Cap Usage DEX 25pct Slippage Token
DAI 6,000,000 7,500,000 91% 92% 2,045,003

rETH Cap Recommendations

rETH Circulating Supply and Holders

Gauntlet recommends increasing the borrow cap for rETH to 200 following increase in rETH circulating supply and holders.

Top rETH Suppliers

Most top rETH collateral positions either borrowing recursively or with highly correlated assets.

DEX Liquidity and Cap Usage

Asset Borrow Cap Supply Cap Borrow Cap Usage Supply Cap Usage DEX 25pct Slippage Token
rETH 100 600 100% 66% 320.58

Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Recommendations

Simple Summary

Gauntlet has identified the breach in 75% threshold for Borrow caps for USDC.wh on Moonwell Moonbeam. However, Gauntlet recommends no increase in Borrow caps.

Current Borrow Cap Recommended
USDC.wh 2,400,000 No Change

Supporting Data

USDC.wh Cap Recommendations

Borrow Cap Usage

The USDC.wh Borrow Cap has increased over the 75% threshold.

USDC.wh Circulating Supply and Holders

However, the circulating supply of USDC.wh is currently at ~3mm. Increasing the borrow cap further would pose concentration risk and accrual of bad debt to the protocol. Furthermore, there isn’t enough liquidity to support USDC.wh in the event of maximum drawdown of 25%. See liquidity on top DEXs on Moonbeam below

DEX Liquidity
Stellaswap 147k
Beamswap 193k

See sources - Stellaswap and Beamswap

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Guardian transaction 1 and transaction 2 have been implemented.