Gauntlet’s BASE/Moonbeam/Moonriver Recommendations (2024-01-30)

Gauntlet’s BASE/Moonbeam/Moonriver Recommendations (2024-01-30)

BASE Recommendations

Simple Summary

Risk Parameters

A proposal to adjust 5 risk parameters:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
wstETH Collateral Factor 77% 78%
rETH Collateral Factor 77% 78%
cbETH Collateral Factor 77% 78%
wstETH Supply Cap 800 1000
wstETH Borrow Cap 320 350

*Cap Recommendations will be implemented via Guardian

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust cbETH’s IR curve:

cbETH IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.45 0.45
Multiplier 0.06 0.05
Jump Multiplier 3.15 3.00

A proposal to adjust USDC’s IR curve:

USDC IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.05 0.065
Jump Multiplier 8.6 8.6


Risk Parameters

Our recommendations have an estimated VaR at $0 and remains unchanged. Based on simulation results, Gauntlet recommends increasing the collateral factor for staked ETH asssets cbETH, rETH, and wstETH in order to improve capital efficiency.

Top wstETH Supply Accts

The largest 3 out of 5 wstETH suppliers are not incurring any debt.

Top rETH Supply Accts

The top 5 out of 10 rETH suppliers have either no debt or highly correlatet/recursive positions within the BASE market.

Top cbETH Supply Accts

Except for the 4th largest and 10th largest supplier positions, the rest of the suppliers borrow WETH for the large part.

BASE Liquidity

Asset Borrow Cap Supply Cap Borrow Cap Usage Supply Cap Usage DEX 25pct Slippage Token DEX 25pct Slippage USD
USDC 10,000,000 15,000,000 54.96% 46.56% 4,910,434 $4,910,873.93
WSTETH 320 800 47.17% 77.93% 522 $1,337,593.94
WETH 8,000 10,500 68.98% 67.39% 1,268 $2,814,461.98
rETH 200 600 31.60% 67.42% 301 $732,088.37
cbETH 1,000 6,000 59.70% 61.02% 754 $1,766,316.83
USDbC 4,000,000 5,000,000 13.88% 20.92% 4,223,273 $4,223,651.94
DAI 4,500,000 5,000,000 76.95% 85.15% 462,924 $463,018.02

BASE Circulating Tokens and Supply Cap

Asset Circulating Supply Tokens Supply Cap Supply Cap / Circulating Supply Cap Supply Cap Liquidity
cbETH 18707.68 6,000 32.07 $8,592,987.00
WETH 47198.08 10,500 22.25 $16,136,023.00
DAI 5459439.12 5,000,000 91.58 $4,039,262.00
USDC 204121357.61 15,000,000 7.35 $7,213,614.00
rETH 858.90 600 69.86 $10,309,053.00
wstETH 3061.68 800 26.13 $1,841,216.00
USDbC 74213760.86 5,000,000 6.74 $580,879.00

IR Parameters

cbETH IR Parameters

Utilization rates for cbETH has although increased post previous IR updates, it has not been sustainable with utilization still staying at or below 20%.

cbETH Utilization

Link to chart

Gauntlet plans to reduce cbETH borrowing rates to encourage borrowing and increase protocol reserves.

Recommended cbETH IR Curve

Projected APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
45 2.25 0.81
100 167.25 133.8

Current APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
45 2.7 0.91125
100 175.95 131.9625

Gauntlet will monitor the utilization of other LSTs and consider additional actions if their levels remain low.

USDC IR Parameters

USDC Utilization

USDC has stayed at the kink over prolonged periods of time with utilization jumping above kink historically as well. Gauntlet recommends to increase Jump multiplier to gauge market equillibrium and further drive efficiency in this market.

Recommended USDC IR Curve

Projected APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 5.2 3.53
100 177.2 150.62

Current APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 3.99 2.71
100 175.99 149.59

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonwell Base Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonwell BASE.

Moonbeam Recommendations

Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 2 total risk parameters:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
xcDOT Collateral Factor 58% 56%
WGLMR Collateral Factor 62% 60%

A proposal to make a IR curve adjustments for xcUSDT,xcUSDC and USDC.wh:

xcUSDC IR Parameters Current Recommended
BASE 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.075 0.0814
Jump Multiplier 6.0 7.0
xcUSDT IR Parameters Current Recommended
BASE 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.075 0.0814
Jump Multiplier 6.0 7.0
USDC.wh IR Parameters Current Recommended
BASE 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.075 0.0814
Jump Multiplier 6.0 7.0


Risk Parameters

Our recommendations have an estimated VaR at $0 and remains unchanged.Based on simulation results, Gauntlet recommends decreasing the collateral factors for xcDOT and WGLMR in order to mitigate risk to the protocol. The collateral factors for WBTC.wh, xcUSDT, WETH.wh, and USDC.wh effectively balance risk with capital efficiency.

xcDOT Top Supply Positions

3 out 5 of the top suppliers of xcDOT have no borrows and have borrow usage below 56%.

Gauntlet recommends decreasing the collateral factor for xcDOT from 58% to 56%. This decrease to collateral factor should not impact any users or cause any liquidations.

WGLMR Top Supply Positions

Only 2 out of the top 10 Suppliers have any borrow positions. Furthermore, the top 10 have borrow usage lower than 60%.

The reduction of collateral factor from 62% to 60% only liquidates 1 user with less than $1 supplied liquidated. Gauntlet recommends to reduce Collateral Factor to 60%.

supply_balance_usd borrow_balance_usd collateral_usd borrow_usage collateralization_ratio health_factor adjusted_health_factor
Address 0.91 0.57 0.91 1.00 1.61 1.00 0.97

IR Parameters

USDC.wh and xcUSDT Utilization

USDC.wh and xcUSDT Borrow Rates

Since last reccomendations, borrow rates and utilization for stablecoin assets has been less volatile and closer to kink, however, utilization has still managed to spill over the kink often. In order to further assess market equillibrium/efficiency and further curb high utilization Gauntlet recommends to increase Multiplier and Jump Mulitplier for the USDC.wh, xcUSDT and xcUSDC. The Mulitplier will move borrow APR at kink by almost 50bps. We will monitor the impact of these adjustments and make any further adjustments if necessary to maintain utlization at the kink.

IR Curve for USDC.wh, USDT, and xcUSDC

Recommended Borrow & Supply APR for USDC.wh, xcUSDT and xcUSDC

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 6.51 4.16
100 146 117.2

Current Borrow and Supply APR for USDC.wh, xcUSDT and xcUSDC

Utilization USDC.wh Borrow APR USDC.wh Supply APR
0 0 0
80 6 3.53
100 126 100.8

The current incentives for USDC.wh and xcUSDT yield approximately 13-15% APY, making recursive positions profitable in the Moonbeam market even with current utilization rates. The top borrow positions across xcUSDT and USDC.wh are mostly recursive or have no borrows except for a few positions. Gauntlet will continue to monitor these positions closely.



Supporting Data

Moonbeam 2% Market Depth for non-Stables

xcUSDC Check-in

xcUSDC liquidity on Moonbeam ecosystem has not ramp up since previous reccomendations.

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonbeam.

Value at Risk represents the 95th percentile insolvency value that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Liquidations at Risk represents the 95th percentile liquidation volume that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Moonriver Recommendations

Simple Summary

Gauntlet suggest no changes in risk parameters for Moonwell Moonriver.


Gauntlet doesn’t suggest any adjustments to current risk parameters. The current parameter for FRAX, KSM and MOVR are effectively balancing risk and capital efficiency.

Supply & Borrow Balance USD

Link to Chart

Moonriver On-chain Liquidity

In shaping our recommendations via our risk models, we consistently monitor market liquidity and concentration risks pertaining to the Moonriver protocol. We aim to provide the community with pivotal liquidity metrics for Moonriver assets. The liquidity on Moonriver has improved since our last reccomendation cycle, however we believe the curret caps are in-tune with the on-chain liquidity available and further risk-on measures are not warrented. We recommend to continue monitoring the Moonriver market and ecosystem.

Previous Liquidity for Rec

Asset 10% Liquidity Depth (#) 10% Liquidity Depth ($) 25% Liquidity Depth 25% Liquidity Depth ($)
WMOVR 1000 $22,910 3500 $80,185
xcKSM 320 $16,221 1000 $50,690
FRAX 25000 $25,000 75000 $75,000

Current Liquidity for Rec

Asset 10% Liquidity Depth (#) 10% Liquidity Depth ($) 25% Liquidity Depth 25% Liquidity Depth ($)
WMOVR 1650 $39,072 5150 $121,952
xcKSM 620 $24,800 1800 $72,000
FRAX 37900 $37,900 95620 $95,620

Previous Rec Cycle Metrics

Asset Circulating Supply Supply Balance Supply Balance / Circulating Supply Borrow Cap Borrow Cap / Circulating Supply
WMOVR 197,575 153,570 77.73% 76,000 38.47%
xcKSM 68,047 49,050 72.08% 11,000 16.17%
FRAX 5,450,958 1,277,087 23.43% 300,000 5.50%

Current Rec Cycle Metrics

Asset Circulating Supply Supply Balance Supply Balance / Circulating Supply Borrow Cap Borrow Balance / Circulating Supply
WMOVR 242,067 156922.95 64.83% 40000 25.49%
xcKSM 50,875 48024.29 94.40% 14000 29.15%
FRAX 5,450,958 870308.41 15.97% 420000 48.26%

The circulating supply on the Moonriver market appears to be well-balanced in relation to borrowing caps. Hence, Gauntlet doesn’t recommend any cap changes for the above assets.

IR Parameters

When Gauntlet analyzes interest rate parameters, we prioritize two main objectives:

  • Mitigating the risk of reaching 100% utilization in a pool.
  • Maximizing the growth of the protocol reserve to provide coverage for potential insolvencies or future expenses.

For this recommendation, Gauntlet advises against making any adjustments to the interest rate curves, as they are already optimized to achieve these objectives.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonriver Risk Dashboard to understand better the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk.

Value at Risk represents the 95th percentile insolvency value that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Liquidations at Risk represents the 95th percentile liquidation volume that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Quick Links

Please click below to learn about our methodologies:

Gauntlet Parameter Recommendation Methodology
Gauntlet Model Methodology

By approving this proposal, you agree that any services provided by Gauntlet shall be governed by the terms of service available at

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Gauntlet has implemented Guardian to increase wstETH borrow and supply caps.

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Review of Gauntlet’s BASE Recommendations (2024-01-30)


Upon review of Gauntlet’s recommendations, we are in favor of applying the proposed updates. Additionally, we recommend decreasing DAI supply and borrow caps to 4M and 3.45M respectively.


We have observed the following notable changes in market conditions on Base over the last 30 days:

rETH - Highly concentrated DEX liquidity on Base

rETH DEX liquidity is currently very concentrated on Base, which raises the risk of a sudden increase in slippage, and consequentially increasing the risk of accumulating bad debt when liquidating large postions.

Balancer V2 rETH-WETH Stable currently pool holds 100% of rETH DEX liquidity on Base. Source

Top 2 EOA LPs in this pool hold 65% of the liquidity. Source

Given a worst case scenario where 65% of deposits are withdrawn from the pool, slippage for trading rETH may dramatically increase (~200% increase), which will increase the risk of accumulating bad debt when liquidating large rETH supply or borrow positions (>$1M).

DAI - Low DEX liquidity on Base

DAI liquidity on Base has been on a downward trend over the last 30 days. Circulating supply has fallen from 9.5M to 5.5M.

TVL for DEX pools holding DAI on Base has decreased from 1.5M to 550k over the last 30 days, increasing slippage for swapping DAI for uncorrelated assets by 200%.

cbETH - Low utilization vs peers

cbETH market utilization has been constantly low over the last 90 days. On the other end, utilization for comparable markets (cbETH and wstETH) has been mostly within optimal range for the same time period.

wstETH - Growing on-chain liquidity

On-chain liquidity for wstETH has been increasing over the last 30 days (2300 → 3500). TVL for wstETH market on Moonwell has increased from 1.08M to 1.69M.

Migration from USDbC to Native USDC

USDbC circulating supply (108M → 72M) has been steadily decreasing over the last 30 days in favor of USDC (44M → 217M).


We have reviewed Gauntlet’s proposed parameter changes. Per our assessment, the proposed parameter changes do not significantly increase the risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt.

  • cbETH, wstETH and rETH collateral factor increases
    • Increasing cbETH, wstETH and rETH collateral factors from 0.77 to 0.78 do not significantly increase the risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt in a worst case price drawdown scenario. Time available to liquidate is well above Warden’s recommendation of 60 minutes in all cases.
  • wstETH supply and borrow caps increases
    • Demand for lending and borrowing wstETH has increased following up to the increase in supply-side rewards for the market on Jan 27. Per our analysis, current on-chain liquidity for wstETH is sufficient to sustain the proposed cap increase while not significantly increasing the risk of accumulating bad debt. Given current DEX liquidity levels on Base, 20% of wstETH supply cap ($450k) can be liquidated in a single transaction.
  • cbETH IRM updates
    • Per our assessment, the proposed IRM update should be effective at increasing demand for borrowing cbETH given that such demand is elastic to rate.
    • In a scenario where the proposed IRM update does not impact utilization sufficiently, we may considering reducing supply-side rewards for the market. Rewards could be re-allocated to markets that historically have been more elastic to rates and tend to attract borrow activity (i.e ETH, USDC).
  • USDC IRM updates
    • The proposed change should be effective at keeping utilization slightly below kink, which should prevent occasional rate spikes.
    • The same IRM update may be applied to DAI market if proven to be effective at controlling utilization.


  • DAI

    • Warden recommends to keep decreasing DAI supply and borrow caps gradually as market utilization allows over the next few weeks. We recommend keeping the supply cap below 75% of circulating supply (or 3.4M DAI) to reduce risks of accumulating bad debt.
    • At the moment, DAI supply and borrow cap could be realistically decreased to 4M and 3.45M respectively given current utilization.
    • We will keep monitoring on-chain liquidity for DAI and may decrease supply-side rewards for the market if the situation does not improve.
  • rETH

    • Warden recommends not to further increase supply and borrow caps until the on-chain liquidity situation improves. We will keep monitoring the market over the next weeks and provide recommendations if necessary.

DAI recomendations

The DAI supply, around the time the recommendations were made, was approximately 5.5 million DAI on BASE, with on-chain DEX experiencing a 25% slippage of around 475k DAI, which was trending upwards. Today, the figures stand at 4.4 million DAI in circulating supply and 300k DAI for 25% slippage. Gauntlet advised reducing the supply and borrow caps based on the circulating supply and liquidity conditions at that time

DAI Circulating Supply on Jan 31st, 2024

DAI 25pct DEX Liquidity on Jan 31st, 2024

Gauntlet suggests adopting a more staggered risk-off approach for DAI to balance both risk and capital efficiency. With more staggered cap reductions, Moonwell continues to maximize revenue generated from supplying and borrowing these assets while also minimizing risks stemming from liquidity and concentration. Despite the cap changes, DAI remains the third-largest asset by revenue generation

It should also be noted that DAI has a $4.8 billion market cap with significant liquidity on centralized exchanges (CEXs) and other chains. This effectively provides ample opportunities for liquidators to liquidate large positions in DAI Base markets. However, given the deteriorating state of liquidity and circulating supply, Gauntlet suggests a further decrease in caps as mentioned below:

Current Supply Cap Recommended Supply Cap Current Borrow Cap Recommended Borrow Cap
DAI 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,900,000 3,300,000