Gauntlet’s BASE/Moonbeam/Moonriver Recommendations (2024-02-28)

Base Recommendations

Simple Summary

Risk Parameters

A proposal to adjust 12 risk parameters:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
wstETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%
rETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%
cbETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%
DAI Reserve Factor 15% 20%
wETH Supply Cap 10,500 12,500
wETH Borrow Cap 8000 10,500
DAI Supply Cap 4,500,000 2,500,000
DAI Borrow Cap 3,900,000 2,000,000
rETH Supply Cap 600 700
wstETH Supply Cap 1600 1800
wstETH Borrow Cap 700 800
USDC Borrow Cap 10,000,000 12,000,000

*Cap Recommendations will be implemented via Guardian

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust wETH’s IR curve:

wETH IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0.01 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.037 0.032
Jump Multiplier 4.8 4.2

A proposal to adjust DAI’s IR curve:

DAI IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.75
Multiplier 0.05 0.067
Jump Multiplier 8.6 9.0


Risk Parameters

Based on simulation results, Gauntlet recommends increasing caps for wETH, and decreasing caps for DAI. Gauntlet also recommends increasing reserve factor for DAI as well as staked ETH asssets cbETH, rETH, and wstETH in order to manage concentration risk (for DAI), improve capital efficiency and increase reserves for the protocol.

Reserve Factor Recommendations

Gauntlet suggests raising Reserve Factors for all Ethereum-based LSTs to bolster reserves within the protocol while minimizing the impact on users’ supply APY. This adjustment aims to deter repetitive leveraging behavior with the same asset by diminishing looping leverage yields, while concurrently encouraging borrowing of Wrapped Ethereum (wETH) to stimulate organic LST borrowing.

Top wstETH Supply Accts

Out of the top 10, 3 suppliers are not incurring any debt, and the rest are borrowing correlated assets. The largest supplier has supplied both stables and correlated ETH assets and has borrowed the same. The increase in Reserve Factor will help Moonwell boost more reserves while not impacting current APYs. Gauntlet will continue to montior the top positions.

Top rETH Supply Accts

Out of the top 10, 3 suppliers are not incurring any debt. The largest supplier is borrowing recursively, and the rest of the suppliers are borrowing correlated assets except for 1 position. Gauntlet will continue to monitor these positions to further optimize capital efficiency and reduce risk.

Top cbETH Supply Accts

The largest supplier has supplied ETH related assets and stables to borrow the same. The rest of the suppliers are using correlated borrows or recursive strategies. The increase in Reserve Factor continues to keep these strategies competitive while increasing reserves for the protocol.

Cap Recommendations

Gauntlet suggests implementing a comprehensive adjustment to supply and borrow caps across various assets to optimize protocol performance and mitigate risks. This includes:

  • rETH - Increasing supply caps for rETH to 700 from 600, since rETH has consistently utilized over 75% of it’s supply cap. The rising circulation of rETH, driven by enhanced on-chain liquidity, necessitates a proactive adjustment.

  • wstETH - Scaling up both supply (1600 → 1800) and borrow caps (700 → 800) for wstETH, aligning with Gauntlet’s methodology for managing these parameters.

  • wETH - Adjusting wETH supply (10,500 → 12,500) and borrow caps (8000 → 10,500) on Base to accommodate growing supply and borrow balances, at the back of growing liquidity conditions.

  • USDC - Raising USDC Borrow caps to 12,000,000, leveraging Gauntlet’s Supply and Borrow Cap Methodology to optimize the protocol’s borrowing capacity.

  • DAI - Considering a reduction in both supply (4.5M → 2.5M) and borrow caps (3.8M → 2M) for DAI on Base, reflecting the diminishing supply of DAI within the protocol and aligning with previous proposals aimed at maintaining equilibrium.

BASE Liquidity

Asset Borrow Cap Supply Cap Borrow Cap Usage Supply Cap Usage DEX 25pct Slippage Token DEX 25pct Slippage USD
USDC 10,000,000 15,000,000 67.14% 55.45% 6,799,632 $6,799,721.56
cbETH 1,800 6,000 45.98% 60.92% 791 $2,610,359.40
rETH 200 600 52.70% 90.52% 402 $1,375,513.53
WSTETH 700 1,600 68.77% 70.72% 618 $2,226,290.09
DAI 3,900,000 4,500,000 60.92% 66.11% 475,477 $475,266.01
USDbC 4,000,000 5,000,000 10.35% 11.65% 4,250,978 $4,251,034.49
WETH 8,000 10,500 73.81% 74.70% 1,237 $3,852,442.05

BASE Circulating Tokens and Supply Cap (Change)

Asset Circulating Supply Tokens Supply Cap Supply Cap / Circulating Supply Cap (%) Supply Balance
cbETH 16,855 6,000 35.62 $8,592,987.00
WETH 37,227.08 10,500 28.22 $24,894,661
DAI 3,082,720 4,500,000 146.04 $3,356,845.9873
USDC 214,809,112 15,000,000 6.99 $8,373,737.8111
rETH 986 600 60.85 $1,897,387.00
wstETH 3,796 1,600 42.18 $4,165,794.00
USDbC 54,079,918 5,000,000 9.25 $704578.6478

IR Parameters

wETH IR Parameters

Utilization rates for wETH has been below the kink following a drop in utilization post Feb 12th.

wETH Utilization

Link to chart

Gauntlet intends to lower the Borrowing rate in order to promote more borrowing of wETH and generate further reserves for the protocol. This aligns with the community’s strategy to foster the organic influx of LSTs, aiming to enhance LST recursive strategies within the protocol.

Recommended wETH IR Curve

Projected APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 2.48 1.48
100 86.48 64.86

Current APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0.99 0
80 3.95 2.37
100 99.95 74.96

Gauntlet will monitor the utilization of wETH and consider additional actions if levels remain below kink.

DAI IR Parameters

DAI Utilization

With decreasing DAI circulating supply on-chain, Gauntlet recommends to reduce utilization at current levels along in tandem with a decrease in caps.

DAI Circulating Supply

DAI Utilization

Link to chart

Recommended DAI IR Curve

Projected APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
75 5.02 3.01
100 230.02 184.02

Current APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 3.99 2.71
100 175.99 149.59

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonwell Base Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonwell BASE.

Moonbeam Recommendations

Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 6 total risk parameters:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
USDC.wh Reserve Factor 20% 25%
WGLMR Reserve Factor 25% 30%
xcUSDC Collateral Factor 0% 10%
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 64% 62%
xcDOT Collateral Factor 56% 55%
WGLMR Collateral Factor 60% 58%

A proposal to make a IR curve adjustments for USDC.wh:

USDC.wh IR Parameters Current Recommended
BASE 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.8
Multiplier 0.0814 0.0845
Jump Multiplier 7.0 7.2


Risk Parameters

Based on simulation results, Gauntlet recommends decreasing the collateral factors for xcDOT,USDC.wh and WGLMR in order to mitigate risk to the protocol. It is also recommended to increase Collateral Factor for xcUSDC to kick-start a phased approach to xcUSDC collateral enablement. Gauntlet recommends an increase in Reserve Factors for USDC.wh and WGLMR to boost protocol reserves while balancing capital inflows. The parameters for WBTC.wh, xcUSDT,and WETH.wh effectively balance risk with capital efficiency.

xcDOT Top Supply Positions

4 out 10 of the top suppliers of xcDOT have no borrows and the rest of the positions have borrow usage below 55%. Most of the top suppliers are borrowing stables against their collateral. Gauntlet recommends decreasing the collateral factor for xcDOT from 56% to 55% to cap risk. This decrease to collateral factor should not impact any users or cause any liquidations. Furthermore, the decrease in Collateral Factor suggested in the last recommendation cycle had no negative impact on supply inflows for xcDOT where the supply has instead grown organically.

WGLMR Top Supply Positions

Only 1 out of the top 10 Suppliers have any borrow positions. Furthermore, the top 10 have borrow usage lower than 58%.

The reduction of collateral factor from 60% to 58% only liquidates 1 user with less than $5 supplied liquidated. Gauntlet recommends to reduce Collateral Factor to 58%.

supply_balance_usd borrow_balance_usd collateral_usd borrow_usage collateralization_ratio health_factor adjusted_health_factor
Address 4.64 2.77 4.64 0.99 1.67 1.003 0.95

Similar to xcDOT, the decrease in collateral factor in the last recommendation cycle had no influence on reducing supply balance for WGLMR. We believe this behaviour will continue to follow post the current decrease in collateral factors.

Increase in Reserve Factor will boost projected annual reserves by $7,967 to $47,805 without impacting the supply APY which is part contributed by incentives. Gauntlet will continue to monitor supply positions.

xcUSDC Collateral Factor

xcUSDC has a total on-chain liquidity of $111,000 and a supply of over $192,000. The xcUSDC is redeemable for USDC across any chain via Circle’s APIs and Circle’s Mint platform. As such, liquidators can transfer to other parachains on Polkadot via the Polkadot Asset Hub (Has $13.1M in Supply), but will have to create an API via Circle to transfer to other chains. Given the current friction involved to transfer USDC across chains and on-chain liquidity, Gauntlet recommends capping Collateral Factor at 10%. Gauntlet will monitor on-chain liquidity to further make any changes and will a phased approach to increase the collateral factor.

USDC.wh Reserve Factor and Collateral Factor

Out of the top 10 suppliers for USDC.wh, only 3 positions are borrowing against the collateral with usage below 62%. Gauntlet recommends decreasing collateral factor for USDC.wh to 62% from the current 64%. The decrease in collateral factor will not liquidate any positions on the protocol. An increase in reserve factor for USDC.wh will boost projected annual reserves by $8,116 to $40,814. Furthermore, the increase in reserve factor will further disincentivize recursive behaviour of USDC borrowers. Gauntlet will monitor this market to see the impact of reserve factor on current supply positions.

Moonbeam Liquidity

As we make recommendations through our risk models, we keep a constant check on the market liquidity and concentration risk to the Moonbeam protocol. In this regard, we would like to present some key liquidity figures for Moonbeam assets to share with the community. Since our last post, liquidity has decreased across all listed assets.

Asset Borrow Cap Relative to Supply Total Circulating Supply 25% Depth Token 25% Depth USD
WETH.wh 0.08% 2,325.78 18 $42,918
USDC.wh 51% 2,993,119 125,000 $125,000
WBTC.wh 0.04% 183.57 0.1 $5,570
xcUSDT 70.5% 976,127 125,000 $125,000
xcUSDC 136% 196,765 125,000 $125,000
xcDOT 91% 1,037,592 21,000 $131,390
FRAX 100% 5,319,872 140,000 $140,000
WGLMR 60.6% 10,332,424 390,000 $131,564

IR Parameters


Since last reccomendations, borrow rates and utilization for stablecoin assets continue to be less volatile and more closer to kink, however, utilization has still managed to spill over the kink often. In order to further assess market equillibrium/efficiency and further curb high utilization Gauntlet recommends to increase Multiplier and Jump Mulitplier for the USDC.wh. The Mulitplier will move borrow APR at kink by 25bps. Gauntlet will monitor the impact of these adjustments and make any further adjustments if necessary to maintain utlization closer to the kink.

IR Curve for USDC.wh

Recommended Borrow & Supply APR for USDC.wh

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 6.76 3.78
100 150.76 105.32

Current Borrow and Supply APR for USDC.wh

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
80 6.51 4.16
100 146 117.2


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

BUSD-USDC price feed deprecation

Chainlink has informed Moonwell contributors of their plans to deprecate the BUSD-USD price feed on the Moonbeam network. This follows the asset being de-listed by the asset issuer in 2023. Currently, the BUSD market on Moonwell is in a deprecated status with supplying, collateral and borrows disabled. Suppliers may still withdraw their supplied BUSD if they wish.

When the price feed is deprecated by Chainlink, calls to latestRoundData will revert, which might cause unexpected results and prevent users from interacting with this market, even to withdraw supplied BUSD. For this reason, Moonwell contributors are recommending that the price feed for BUSD be hardcoded to $1 to prevent calls from reverting.

Supporting Data

Moonbeam 2% Market Depth for non-Stables

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonbeam.

VaR (Value at Risk) is defined as the expected insolvent amount (defined as excess debt relative to collaterals for any account) in a given day for a protocol under extremely adverse market conditions. We use our models to pre-configure specific risky market scenarios and stress test protocols via simulations leveraging current user positions, asset prices, and varied liquidity conditions. VaR is an estimate of the expected insolvencies for a single day given a severe correlated market downturn.

LaR is calculated as the expected liquidation amount under extremely adverse market conditions. It represents our estimation on what would happen if the market crashes, etc…

Moonriver recommendations

Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 1 total risk parameter:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
FRAX Borrow Cap 420,000 500,000


Supply & Borrow Balance USD

Link to Chart

Frax Borrow cap utilization has breached 90%. Although on-chain liquidity has not increased since the last recommendation cycle, given the robustness of FRAX bridge to other chains and sufficient liquidity on-chain to absorb large user liquidations, Gauntlet recommends increasing the caps to 560,000 FRAX from the current 420,000 FRAX.

FRAX Utilization

FRAX Liquidity on Solarbeam

FRAX Reserves

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 4.27.36 PM

Moonriver On-chain Liquidity

In shaping our recommendations via our risk models, we consistently monitor market liquidity and concentration risks pertaining to the Moonriver protocol. We aim to provide the community with pivotal liquidity metrics for Moonriver assets. The liquidity on Moonriver has improved since our last reccomendation cycle, however we believe xcKSM and WMOVR caps are in-tune with the on-chain liquidity available and further risk-on measures are not warrented. We recommend to continue monitoring the Moonriver market and ecosystem.

Current Liquidity for Rec

Asset 10% Liquidity Depth (#) 10% Liquidity Depth ($) 25% Liquidity Depth 25% Liquidity Depth ($)
WMOVR 1800 $37,796 5600 $97,108
xcKSM 500 $22,166 1500 $55,423
FRAX 25000 $25,000 75000 $75,000

Previous Liquidity for Rec

Asset 10% Liquidity Depth (#) 10% Liquidity Depth ($) 25% Liquidity Depth 25% Liquidity Depth ($)
WMOVR 1650 $39,072 5150 $121,952
xcKSM 620 $24,800 1800 $72,000
FRAX 37900 $37,900 95620 $95,620

Current Rec Cycle Metrics

Asset Circulating Supply Supply Balance Supply Balance / Circulating Supply Borrow Cap Borrow Cap / Circulating Supply
WMOVR 199,689 156,011 78.12% 40,000 38.47%
xcKSM 69,909 39,038 55.84% 14,000 16.17%
FRAX 5,450,958 538,778 9.88% 500,000 5.50%

Previous Rec Cycle Metrics

Asset Circulating Supply Supply Balance Supply Balance / Circulating Supply Borrow Cap Borrow Balance / Circulating Supply
WMOVR 242,067 156922.95 64.83% 40000 25.49%
xcKSM 50,875 48024.29 94.40% 14000 29.15%
FRAX 5,450,958 870308.41 15.97% 420000 48.26%

The circulating supply on the Moonriver market appears to be well-balanced in relation to borrowing caps. Hence, Gauntlet doesn’t recommend any cap changes for the above assets.

IR Parameters

When Gauntlet analyzes interest rate parameters, we prioritize two main objectives:

  • Mitigating the risk of reaching 100% utilization in a pool.
  • Maximizing the growth of the protocol reserve to provide coverage for potential insolvencies or future expenses.

For this recommendation, Gauntlet advises against making any adjustments to the interest rate curves, as they are already optimized to achieve these objectives.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonriver Risk Dashboard to understand better the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk.

VaR (Value at Risk) is defined as the expected insolvent amount (defined as excess debt relative to collaterals for any account) in a given day for a protocol under extremely adverse market conditions. We use our models to pre-configure specific risky market scenarios and stress test protocols via simulations leveraging current user positions, asset prices, and varied liquidity conditions. VaR is an estimate of the expected insolvencies for a single day given a severe correlated market downturn.

LaR is calculated as the expected liquidation amount under extremely adverse market conditions. It represents our estimation on what would happen if the market crashes, etc…

Quick Links

Please click below to learn about our methodologies:

Gauntlet Parameter Recommendation Methodology
Gauntlet Model Methodology

By approving this proposal, you agree that any services provided by Gauntlet shall be governed by the terms of service available at


Review of Gauntlet’s BASE Recommendations (2024-02-28)

Warden has reviewed Gauntlet’s proposal and recommends applying the proposed changes. Furthermore, given the recent increase in WELL price, Warden will proceed with reducing supply-side rewards for DAI to help mitigate risks associated with low on-chain liquidity environment for the asset.

Key observations

Warden has analyzed changes in market conditions over the last month which may have an impact on risk and growth of Moonwell Base protocol.

Source: Search Markets | Warden Finance - Risk & Analytics for DeFi

1) Critically low DAI circulating supply

DAI circulating supply on Base is critically low vs. total market supply. In order to mitigate risks of accumulating bad debt when liquidating large collateral positions, we generally recommend lending market supply to be capped to a maximum of 50% of on-chain circulating supply. In the case of DAI, total supply on Moonwell’s market is currently standing at 110% of circulating supply.

2) Low rETH circulating supply

rETH circulating supply (900) is a limiting factor for growth of the lending market.

3) Suboptimal utilization for rETH and cbETH markets

Utilization for USDC, DAI, WETH and wstETH is currently at optimal levels (equal or slightly below kink). However, rETH and cbETH lending pools have been fairly underutilized over the past few months.

4) Healthy on-chain liquidity for USDC, cbETH, wstETH

On-chain liquidity for USDC, cbETH and wstETH currently allow for further growth to be sustained for the lending markets with marginal increase in risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt.


Warden has reviewed Gauntlet’s recommendations and is in favor of applying the proposed changes. Furthermore, Warden proposes reducing supply-side DAI rewards to help mitigate liquidity and concentration risk for the market.

LST markets reserve factor increases

Gauntlet recommends increasing reserve factor for LST lending markets using the following parameters.

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
wstETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%
rETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%
cbETH Reserve Factor 25% 30%

Given that demand for borrowing LSTs is generally not very elastic to interest rate, increasing the reserve factor may have net positive impact on ability to accrue reserves for the protocol while having little to no negative impact on borrowing demand on these markets.

We are generally in favor of this change, as it has a high probability of yielding net positive impact for the protocol and may be easily reverted if not.

Mitigating DAI concentration and liquidity risk

Given degrading on-chain liquidity for DAI on Base and very high concentration on Moonwell lending market, we maintain our recommendation to apply preventive measures which aim to reduce risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt due exposure to DAI concentration and low liquidity.

In order to mitigate risks associated with high concentration and low liquidity, Gauntlet proposes:

  1. Increase reserve factor
  2. Decrease supply and borrow caps
  3. Adapting the IR model to mitigate liquidity risk for lenders

In addition to 1), 2) and 3), Warden recommends to reduce supply-side rewards for the market.

Reserve factor
Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
DAI Reserve factor 0.15 0.2

Firstly, Gauntlet recommends increasing DAI market reserve factor from 15% to 20%. Warden generally recommends adjusting reserve factors in accordance with the risk profile of individual markets. Given the recent increase in concentration risk, we support the proposed change. Increasing the reserve factor will help grow protocol reserves and slightly reduce borrowing demand for the market.

Supply / borrow caps
Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
DAI Supply Cap 4,500,000 2,500,000
DAI Borrow Cap 3,800,000 2,000,000

It is our assessement that proposed caps will be very effective at limiting supply and borrow demand, as they are exactly in line with current total supply and total borrow.

IR model
DAI IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.75
Multiplier 0.05 0.067
Jump Multiplier 8.6 9.0

Current APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0% 0% 0%
80% 3.99% 2.71%
100% 175.99% 149.59%

Projected APRs

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0% 0% 0%
75% 5.02% 3.01%
100% 230.02% 184.02%

The proposed IRM change by Gauntlet is appropriate to provide more leeway for large positions to pull out of the market as we aim to decrease overall market utilization. Increasing the max borrow rate from 176% to 230% also decreases liquidity risk for lenders.

Supply-side rewards

Lastly, the recent price increase in WELL has increased the net supply-side rate to very attractive levels for lenders, which . Recursive lending strategy using max leverage on DAI market currently yields 42.87% APY. Given this observation, Warden may decrease supply-side rewards on the DAI market in order to reduce demand for lending and borrowing on the market, which should help reduce DAI circulating supply concentration on Moonwell.

Source: Warden Finance

Scaling caps with growing demand for lending and borrowing

Proposed supply and borrow caps by Gauntlet for wETH, rETH, wstETH and USDC are all in line with demand and do not significantly increase the risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt.

We also note that the proposed supply cap for rETH is at the upper limit of Warden’s recommended cap limit (~75% of circulating supply).

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
wETH Supply Cap 10,500 12,500
wETH Borrow Cap 8000 10,500
rETH Supply Cap 600 700
wstETH Supply Cap 1600 1800
wstETH Borrow Cap 700 800
USDC Borrow Cap 10,000,000 12,000,000
WETH liquidity profile

Source: Warden Finance

Native USDC liquidity profile


wstETH liquidity profile


rETH liquidity profile

Source: Warden Finance

Next steps

  • Reduce DAI supply-side rewards to help decrease lending and borrowing demand which will reduce risks associated with low liquidity and concentration. Rewards may be re-allocated to WETH to promote leveraged LST strategies, which generally has net positive impact for the protocol.
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Gauntlet has implemented Cap Guardian:

on Base:

  1. To increase wstETH Borrow and Supply caps
  2. To increase wETH Borrow and Supply caps
  3. To decrease DAI Borrow and Supply caps
  4. To increase rETH Supply cap
  5. To increase USDC Borrow cap

on Moonriver:

  1. To increase Frax Borrow Cap