Gauntlet's Base/Optimism/Moonbeam/Moonriver Monthly Recommendations (2024-09-25)


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 8 risk parameters:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
AERO Supply Cap 28,500,000 35,000,000
AERO Borrow Cap 18,500,000 25,000,000
cbBTC Supply Cap 220 280
USDbC Supply Cap 250,000 150,000
USDbC Borrow Cap 200,000 150,000
DAI Supply Cap 2,000,000 750,000
DAI Borrow Cap 1,500,000 500,000
USDbC Reserve Factor 50% 75%

*Cap Recommendations will be implemented via Guardian

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust IR parameters for USDC and cbBTC

USDC IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.9 0.9
Multiplier 0.056 0.05
Jump Multiplier 9 9
cbBTC IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0.02 0
Kink 0.6 0.6
Multiplier 0.065 0.067
Jump Multiplier 3 3


Risk Parameters

Gauntlet advises an increase in Caps across AERO and cbBTC while recommending to reduce caps for DAI and USDbC. Gauntlet also recommends to increase RF for USDbC to further catalyze deprecation of this market. Gauntlet suggests these changes to risk parameters to enhance capital efficiency and effectively manage risk.

Cap Recommendations

  • AERO - In accordance with Gauntlet’s methodology for managing parameters, we propose scaling up the supply caps (28,500,000 → 35,000,000) and borrow caps(18,500,000 → 25,000,000) for AERO. Since the most recent increase in caps in the monthly recommendation, the largest supply-only positions have provided further liquidity in the market. This showcases that increase in supply caps have further increased risk-free and unleveraged liquidity within the protocol.

AERO Top 20 suppliers

25% DEX Slippage 8/24
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 4.25.27 AM

25% DEX Slippage 9/24
Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.20.05 PM

Despite previous cautionary notes concerning AERO liquidity, the current decentralized exchange (DEX) liquidity has exhibited considerable strength. The existing caps are well-supported by DEX liquidity, with notional liquidity trending upwards in the two largest AERO pools.

  • cbBTC - Similarly, cbBTC supplies are reaching the threshold that warrant cap changes. Gauntlet recommends increasing supply caps (220 → 280). The liquidation of the entire supply cap incurs 20% slippage. All most all suppliers have USDC debt against their cbBTC supply.
    Top 20 cbBTC suppliers

    DEX Slippage
    Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 9.39.17 AM

  • USDbC - In line with previous cap decreases, Gauntlet recommends reducing both the supply (250,00 → 150,000) and borrow caps (200,000 → 150,000) to further catalyze deprecation process.

  • DAI - DAI Caps have been heavily underutilized, this drop in demand stems from decrease in outstanding supply on Base. The deterioration of DEX liquidity is a consequence of this. Gauntlet recommends reducing supply caps (2,000,000 → 750,000) and borrow caps (1,500,000 → 500,000) and would suggest the community to take similar measures as USDbC to deprecate this market unless Sky (MakerDAO) take further steps to support liquidity/activity on Base.

Base Liquidity

Asset Borrow Cap Supply Cap Borrow Cap Usage Supply Cap Usage DEX 25pct Slippage Token DEX 25pct Slippage USD
EURC 3,900,000 4,200,000 25.91% 30.11% 1,445,091 $1,612,569.82
weETH 350 900 11.47% 23.46% 501 $1,356,348.10
WETH 40,000 60,000 46.79% 40.70% 785 $2,028,123.49
USDC 92,000,000 100,000,000 25.12% 36.11% 2,028,298 $2,028,500.73
wstETH 2,400 6,300 40.06% 68.71% 660 $2,009,953.30
cbETH 3,200 8,000 32.73% 61.64% 425 $1,185,525.19
cbBTC 80 220 7.35% 80.29% 28 $1,779,826.62
DAI 1,500,000 2,000,000 23.81% 24.67% 237,535 $237,558.93
rETH 450 1,200 50.74% 82.60% 571 $1,649,969.89
AERO 18,500,000 28,500,000 70.26% 83.48% 2,821,920 $2,494,594.67
USDbC 200,000 250,000 51.15% 68.24% 2,047,201 $2,047,405.77

Reserve Factor

In continuation of our prior recommendation, we advise increasing the reserve factor for USDbC from 50% to 75%. This adjustment aims to establish less attractive supply rates, thereby discouraging both current and prospective suppliers from contributing USDbC. By making the supply rates less competitive, this strategy is expected to significantly enhance reserve accumulation, effectively facilitating the market’s transition to USDC.

Collateral Factors (CF)

Since the succesful execution of MIP-B27, The aggregate notional supplies and borrows for WETH and LSTs have increased substantially as a consequence of the capital-efficient adjustments to Collateral Factors (CFs). Gauntlet is actively monitoring the current borrow-supply positions and the prevailing market liquidity for these asset pairs to further calibrate and optimize the CF parameters.

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Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 5.22.32 AM

IR Parameters

cbBTC IR Parameters

The borrows for cbBTC has not scaled commensurately with the increased supply of cbBTC, leading to significantly low utilization rates for this asset. Historically, cbBTC has exhibited persistently low borrowing demand; however, emerging strategies involving liquidity provision (LP) into AERO pools may present opportunities to augment this utilization. In light of these developments, Gauntlet recommends recalibrating the borrow Annual Percentage Rate (APR) from 5.9% to 4% to address the low utilization, maintain competitive positioning within the market and to enable profitable cross-platform rate arbitrages.

Recommended cbBTC IR Curve

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 4.03.19 PM

Projected APRs for cbBTC

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 4.02 2.17
100 124.02 111.61

Current APRs for cbBTC

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 2 0
kink 5.89 3.18
100 124.02 111.61

Gauntlet will monitor the utilization of cbBTC and consider additional actions if necessary.

USDC IR Parameters

Stablecoin utilization has been trending downwards for a significant period, the previous caliberation to lower borrow APRs has had positive increases in this metric, however, given the Federal Rate cuts of Interest Rates by 50bps, along with the decreased appetite for leverage, Gauntlet recommends reducing the borrow APRs by another 50bps on Moonwell to discover true market rates.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 5.44.43 AM

Recommended USDC IR Curve

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 3.58.54 PM

Projected APRs for USDC

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 4.5 3.64
100 95.05 85.45

Current APRs for USDC

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 5.05 4.08
100 95.05 85.45


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 6 risk parameter:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
WETH Supply Cap 3,200 5,000
WETH Borrow Cap 2,700 4,000
VELO Supply Cap 9,000,000 12,700,000
WBTC Borrow Cap 10 4
WBTC Reserve Factor 30% 40%
WBTC Collateral Factor 79% 67%

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust IR parameters for USDC, USDT, and DAI

USDC IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.9 0.9
Multiplier 0.056 0.05
Jump Multiplier 5 9
USDT IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.9 0.9
Multiplier 0.056 0.05
Jump Multiplier 5 9
DAI IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.9 0.9
Multiplier 0.056 0.05
Jump Multiplier 5 9


Supply Cap

  • WETH - In accordance with Gauntlet’s methodology for managing parameters, we propose scaling up the supply caps (3,200 → 5,000 ) and borrow caps(2,700 → 4,000).

WETH Top 20 suppliers

DEX Slippage to liquidate largest position
Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 7.02.44 AM

  • VELO - We recommend increasing the supply cap of VELO (9,000,000 → 12,700,000 ). The liquidation of the entire supply cap would only incur a slippage opf 20%.

VELO Top 20 suppliers

25% DEX Slippage
Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 7.03.58 AM

IR Parameters

As explained in the IR recommendations for Base, the borrow rates for stablecoins have been trending downwards as reflected in the DSR. Keeping this in mind, we recommend aligning borrow rates for stablecoins on Optimism to those of Base from 5% to 4.5%.

Recommended IR Curve for stablecoins

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 3.58.54 PM

Projected APRs for Stablecoins (USDC, USDT, DAI)

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 4.5 3.64
100 95.05 85.45

Current APRs for Stablecoins (USDC, USDT, DAI)

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 5.05 4.08
100 95.05 85.45

Note on deprecation of WBTC on Optimism

Over the past few weeks, there has been a further erosion of clarity regarding the custodial arrangements for WBTC. Transparency on additional safeguards—such as guarantees against future changes to the multisignature (multisig) structure and commitments to provide 60-day notice periods for any alterations—remains lacking and serves as a significant impediment to alleviating concerns.

Currently, $1.58 million worth of WBTC is supplied and $200,000 is borrowed on Moonwell’s Optimism instance, accounting for 5.5% and 2.3% of total supplies and borrows respectively. Moonwell’s exposure to WBTC is minimal compared to that of peer protocols. Given this limited exposure, deprecating the market entirely would have a negligible impact on the protocol’s Total Value Locked (TVL). However, prioritizing user experience, we recommend a controlled reduction in WBTC exposure while maintaining overall usability. Until substantial evidence addresses the aforementioned concerns, Gauntlet advises a gradual but exponential increase in reserve factors as a strategy to mitigate underwriting risk associated with WBTC. This approach aims to achieve three objectives:

  1. Decrease exposure to WBTC.
  2. Provide the community with ample time to consider alternatives.
  3. Facilitate the transition or migration of users to alternative assets.

The proposed schedule for reserve factor increases is designed to deprecate this asset within 3 months, should confidence not be restored.

Month Reserve Factor Increase Recommended Reserve Factor
September +10% 40%
October +20% 60%
November +40% 100%

Apart from the reserve factor changes, permitting limited liquidations, Gauntlet will also reduce collateral factors. Gauntlet also recommends pausing new supplies and borrows for this asset to assist in the deprecation. Gauntlet will continue to monitor further developments and make necessary adjustments.


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 7 total risk parameters:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
WBTC.wh Borrow Cap 1 0.75
WETH.wh Borrow Cap 40 30
FRAX Borrow Cap 100,000 60,000
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 51% 50%
WETH.wh Collateral Factor 45% 43%
WBTC.wh Collateral Factor 28% 25%
xcUSDC Collateral Factor 15% 60%
WBTC.wh Reserve Factor 35% 40%


Risk Parameters

Cap Recommendations

Gauntlet recommends taking continued risk-off measures for the Moonbeam markets. On that note, we suggest reducing borrow caps for WBTC.wh (1 → 0.75), WETH.wh (40 → 30) and FRAX (100,000 → 60,000). The updated borrow caps should reduce exposure to risk stemming from declining liquidity conditions.

Collateral Factor

Similarly, Gauntlet recommends reducing Collateral Factors across all wormhole assets i.e. USDC.wh (51% → 50%), WETH.wh(45% → 44%), WBTC.wh (28% → 25%). The proposed reduction in CF will not liquidate any positions. On the other hand, on-chain supply and liquidity for xcUSDC has been trending upwards, and we recommend increasing the Collateral Factor for xcUSDC from 15% to 60%, matching that of xcUSDT. Although we do propose an increase in CFs, we recommend holding off increasing the borrow caps until the liquidity is proven to be sticky. This increase in CF should provide higher capital utilization for users.

Note on deprecation of WBTC on Moonbeam

As mentioned in the Optimism section, Gauntlet recommends increasing RFs for WBTC.wh. Currently, $10.1 million worth of WBTC is supplied, and $30,000 is borrowed on Moonwell’s Moonbeam instance, representing 50% and 1.3% of total supplies and borrows, respectively. Moonwell’s exposure to WBTC is substantial compared to the Optimism instance. Notably, over 99% of the WBTC supply originates from a single user who has supplied $9.9 million with no corresponding debt. However, given the overall declining liquidity on Moonbeam—which exacerbates the concentration risk of WBTC.wh, accounting for two-thirds of the platform’s circulating supply—we recommend adopting the same approach and schedule to deprecate this asset as suggested on Optimism.

The proposed schedule for reserve factor increases is designed to deprecate this asset within 3 months, should confidence not be restored.

Month Reserve Factor Increase Recommended Reserve Factor
September +5% 40%
October +20% 60%
November +40% 100%

Apart from the reserve factor changes, permitting limited liquidations, Gauntlet will also reduce collateral factors. Gauntlet also recommends pausing new supplies and borrows for this asset to assist in the deprecation. Gauntlet will continue to monitor further developments and make necessary adjustments.


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust IR parameters for xcKSM

xcKSM IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0.02 0.02
Kink 0.45 0.45
Multiplier 0.1 0.035
Jump Multiplier 3.5 3.5


IR Parameters

The xcKSM market has residual bad debt that’s accruing interest. This bad debt is an outcome of the Multichain hack where the user has supplied Multichain USDC to borrow xcKSM. Gauntlet has previously recommended reducing borrow APR in order to not accumulate more interest on debt. We recommend further lowering the borrow APR until the debt is cleared.

We would like to flag that the reserves on Moonriver are sufficient to cover the debt, and we will work with the community to arrive at a meaningful remedy.

Recommended xcKSM IR Curve

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 12.04.37 PM

Projected APRs for xcKSM

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 2 0
kink 3.575 1.04
100 195.05 127.45

Current APRs for xcKSM

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 6.5 1.9
100 199.05 129.3

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonwell Base Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonwell BASE.

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Gauntlet Parameter Recommendation MethodologyGauntlet Model Methodology

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This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

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