[Gauntlet] - Base/Optimism/Moonbeam/Moonriver Monthly Recommendations - 2024-10-23


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 9 risk parameters:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
USDbC Collateral Factor 78% 76%
USDbC Supply Cap 150,000 110,000
USDbC Borrow Cap 150,000 100,000
USDbC Reserve Factor 75% 90%
DAI Collateral Factor 82% 80%
DAI Supply Cap 750,000 400,000
DAI Borrow Cap 500,000 300,000
DAI Reserve Factor 20% 40%
WETH Reserve Factor 15% 5%

*Cap Recommendations will be implemented via Guardian

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust IR parameters for DAI, cbBTC,WETH and USDbC

DAI IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.75 0.6
Multiplier 0.067 0.04
Jump Multiplier 9 4
WETH IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.9
Multiplier 0.01 0.01
Jump Multiplier 4.2 8
USDbC IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.7 0.6
Multiplier 0.057 0.04
Jump Multiplier 5.7 4


Risk Parameters

Gauntlet recommends a gradual reduction in USDbC and DAI exposure, given the deprecation of USDbC and the declining circulating supply of DAI on Base. Additionally, the ongoing migration to USDS indicates increasing liquidity constraints for DAI. We also recommend risk-off recommendations across all other risk parameters for these two assets. Given the growing demand to use wstETH as collateral against WETH positions, we recommend lowering the reserve factor to further give suppliers higher share of the APRs.

Cap Recommendations

  • USDbC - In line with previous cap decreases, Gauntlet recommends reducing both the supply (150,00 → 110,000) and borrow caps (150,000 → 100,000) to further catalyze deprecation process.

  • DAI - Gauntlet recommends reducing supply caps (750,000 → 400,000) and borrow caps (500,000 → 300,000) and would suggest the community to take similar measures as USDbC to deprecate this market unless Sky (MakerDAO) take further steps to support liquidity/activity on Base.

  • Gauntlet has enacted further cap changes as seen here and here via guardian prior to this proposal and therefore doesn’t include additional cap changes.

Reserve Factor

USDbC Supplies

The previous reserve factor changes have successfully influenced user behavior as seen from the visualization above, with the increase from 50% to 75% driving supplier outflows as intended. Gauntlet now recommends further raising the reserve factor from 75% to 90%, aiming to accelerate the outflows and move closer to full asset deprecation, while simultaneously enhancing reserve accumulation.

The circulating supply of DAI on Base has dropped from over 3.6M to 1.6M, signaling reduced DEX liquidity and weakening on-chain demand, further intensified by the ongoing migration to USDS. Gauntlet recommends increasing the reserve factor from 20% to 40% to implement a deprecation strategy similar to that of USDbC.

WETH Supplies and Borrows

WETH has seen significant growth in both supply and borrow activity, driven by users employing leveraged yield strategies. To further incentivize WETH supply, Gauntlet recommends reducing the reserve factor from 15% to 5%, which would result in an approximate 23 bps risk-free increase in supply APRs.

Collateral Factors (CF)

As mentioned above, we recommend taking further risk-off measures across and DAI and USDbC and suggest decreasing collateral factors by the following degrees:

  • Decrease DAI collateral factor from 82% to 80%
  • Decrease USDbC collateral factor from 78% to 76%

The reduction in CFs will not trigger any user liquidations.

IR Parameters

DAI IR Parameters

With outflow of large DAI supply positions, the utilization has been trending upwards causing a high degree of rate volatility. To facilitate a smoother user experience, we recommend setting the IR curves with a slope1 of 0.04 and slope2 of 4. Furthermore, we recommend reducing the kink from 70% to 60% which would create more liquidity for users to exit, avoiding a full utilization or a negative user experience due to high APR.

Recommended DAI IR Curve

Projected APRs for DAI

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 0.86 2.4
100 161 97

Current APRs for DAI

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 5 3.01
100 232.02 184.61

USDbC IR Parameters**

We recommend similar IR curve settings to USDbC as seen in DAI for the same reasons as cited above.

Recommended USDbC IR Curve

Projected APRs for USDbC **

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 2.4 0.144
100 162 16.4

Current APRs for USDbC **

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 4 0.69
100 175 43

WETH IR Parameters

With the addition of LRTs (weETH and wrsETH), alongside the growing use of leverage yield strategies involving wstETH, many of which rely on WETH borrows, we recommend increasing the kink for WETH from 80% to 90% to enhance capital efficiency. This adjustment would unlock approximately 3,280 WETH in additional liquidity without amplifying rate volatility. Additionally, we propose raising the borrow APR at the kink by 10 bps to compensate WETH suppliers with an additional 15 bps increase in supply APRs for the increased risk associated with higher utilization.

Recommended WETH IR Curve

Projected APRs for WETH

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 0.9 0.77
100 80.9 76.9

Current APRs for WETH

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 0.8 0.54
100 84.8 72


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 8 risk parameter:

Risk Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
WETH Collateral Factor 81% 83%
cbETH Collateral Factor 78% 81%
wstETH Collateral Factor 78% 81%
rETH Collateral Factor 78% 81%
WBTC Reserve Factor 40% 60%
WBTC Collateral Factor 67% 60%
WBTC Supply Cap 25 10
WBTC Borrow Cap 4 0.5

IR Parameters

A proposal to adjust IR parameters for WETH

WETH IR Parameters Current Recommended
Base 0 0
Kink 0.8 0.9
Multiplier 0.01 0.01
Jump Multiplier 4.2 8


Collateral Factors

Based on the supply-borrow distribution of users, we recommend aligning the collateral factors for WETH and LSTs(wstETH, rETH, cbETH) to those on Base. The current supply-borrow positions on Optimism reflect similar distribution to that of Base as discussed in the previous monthly recommendation.

We also recommend further reducing the collateral factor for WBTC from 67% to 60%, in line with previous risk-off measures. The decrease in collateral factor will not incur any liquidations of user positions.

IR Parameters

We recommend the following changes to the WETH interest rate curve, aligning it with the levels proposed for the Base WETH instance, for the same reasons outlined above.

Recommended WETH IR Curve

Projected APRs for WETH

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 0.9 0.77
100 80.9 76.9

Current APRs for WETH

Utilization Borrow APR Supply APR
0 0 0
kink 0.8 0.54
100 84.8 72

Reserve Factor

Along with scaling down supply and borrow caps for WBTC, as discussed in the most recent monthly recommendation, WBTC’s reserve factor will be set at 60%.


Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 6 total risk parameters:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
xcUSDC Borrow Cap 230,000 750,000
xcUSDT Borrow Cap 400,000 750,000
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 50% 45%
WETH.wh Collateral Factor 43% 41%
WBTC.wh Collateral Factor 25% 20%
WBTC.wh Reserve Factor 40% 60%


Risk Parameters

Cap Recommendations

With increasing on-chain supply and growing liquidity on Moonbeam, we recommend increasing borrow caps for both xcUSDC (230,00 → 750,000) and xcUSDT (400,000 → 750,000). The increase in liquidity on stellaswap has mostly coalesced in stablecoin pools and therefore we don’t recommend any risk-on measures across other assets as liquidity has relatively remained unchanged for non-stablecoins.

Collateral Factor

We continue recommending a reduction in Collateral Factors across all Wormhole assets i.e. USDC.wh (50% → 45%), WETH.wh(43% → 41%), WBTC.wh (25% → 20%). The proposed reduction in CF liquidate the following positions supplying USDC.wh :

Address Supply Balance (USD) Borrow Balance (USD) Health Factor Adjusted Health Factor
0xb28662425e6a01e68e6d8ef6635c1b90311a9401 71.343194368 34.26 1.040943 0.936848

Reserve Factors

As mentioned in the most recent monthly recommendation, the reserve factors for WBTC.wh will be increased to 60%.


Simple Summary

Gauntlet suggest no changes in risk parameters for Moonwell Moonriver.

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonwell Base Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Moonwell BASE.

Quick Links

Please click below to learn about our methodologies:

Gauntlet Parameter Recommendation MethodologyGauntlet Model Methodology

By approving this proposal, you agree that any services provided by Gauntlet shall be governed by the terms of service available at gauntlet.network/tos.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

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Hi all, Boardroom here with a proposal summary. This month, Gauntlet’s recommendations address changes to Moonwell’s risk parameters on Base, Optimism, and Moonbeam:

  • Supply Caps: limits on how much money a user can supply to a certain market.
  • Borrow Caps: limits on how much money a user can borrow from a certain market.
  • Collateral Factors (CF): percentages that represent the maximum amount that can be borrowed against a specific asset in the protocol. For example, a 50% CF means the borrower would need to deposit $1,000 of collateral to borrow $500 in other assets.
  • Reserve Factors (RF): percentage of interest paid by borrowers that is allocated to the protocol’s reserves. It helps make sure the ecosystem remains stable and sustainable.
  • Interest Rate (IR) Parameters: Base, Multiplier, Kink, and Jump Multiplier. Base is the minimum interest rate that borrowers pay and lenders receive. Multiplier determines how steeply the IR increases with utilization rate. Kink is the point in the model in which the IR model changes slope. Jump Multiplier causes a jump in interest rates when the utilization rate surpasses the “Kink.”

Let’s look at a few examples from this month.

(1) The CF for DAI on Base was decreased from 82% to 80% while the RF was increased from 20% to 40%. This means that the maximum amount of DAI that can be borrowed is proportionally lower than last month, while the percentage of interest paid by DAI borrowers that is allocated to reserves is higher. Taken together, these indicate a gradual reduction to DAI exposure (due to a declining circulating supply of DAI on Base).

(2) A few IR parameters for USDbC on Base were adjusted. Its Base remains at 0, which is the minimum interest rate that borrowers pay. Its Kink has decreased from 0.7 to 0.6; at 0.6, the behavior of the IR curve changes. Below 0.6, the protocol encourages borrowing with lower rates. Above 0.6, additional borrowing is discouraged. Its Multiplier has decreased from 0.057 to 0.04. A lower Multiplier means that interest rates increase more slowly as the utilization rate approaches the Kink. Its Jump Multiplier decreased from 5.7 to 4. A lower Jump Multiplier means the jump in interest rates beyond the Kink will be slightly lower than last month, but the jump will still be significant.