Proposal: [Pilot] Aera for Moonwell

The snapshot has concluded with almost the majority of votes in favor of an Aera pilot with an Aggressive Risk tolerance! This was the most voted on Apollo snapshot in history and almost no Nay votes, thanks for the engagement everyone! **Next we will be kicking off a governance vote targeting May 16th,*.

As a reminder, the governance vote will remove $250k of USDC.multi reserves and follow these steps

i. Upon passing, the governance proposal removes reserves from the protocol and transfers them to an Aera team owned wallet (cross-chain compatible) on Moonriver. This wallet address will be 0xf72Dbe617a4f24c8447178f6F11E4F399393255e

ii. From there, the Aera team unbridges from Moonriver to an Aera team owned wallet on Ethereum, then bridges USDC from Ethereum to an Aera team owned wallet on Polygon. Funds will be moved on the next immediate buisness day post successful governance vote.

iii. The funds are then deposited into an Aera vault on Polygon via a Aera team owned multisig. This multisig is here 0x2132624899b2C7065f6802BF77f6C706Cfe855a4

After successful deposit into the vault we will let the community know and soon after we will provide a link to a dashboard where the community can view key metrics on the vault, and similarly will provide updates on a regular cadence.

Looking forward to the Governance Vote!