🟡 PGov Delegate Pitch

PGov Delegate Pitch

Delegate Name: PGov
Delegate Address: PGov.eth (0x3fb19771947072629c8eee7995a2ef23b72d4c8a)
Forum Handle: @PGov
Email: PGovTeam@gmail.com
Twitter: @PGovTeam

Statement of Intent

We are a team of dedicated governance enthusiasts who have been in the crypto governance space for over four years. Our team were some of the first members involved in defi governance and we want to apply what we have learned over the years to Moonwell.
Some of the team has been using Moonwell since the OG Moonbeam days. Recently, with the protocol’s strategic shifts and deployments, we have accrued a small treasure chest of the token ourselves through Morpho incentives. We intend to keep these tokens and continue to build our reserves, aligning ourselves financially with the DAO. We’re excited to become delegates and are grateful to be along for the journey!

Core Values:

  • Growth: Our decisions are primarily focused on the growth of the protocol. This often results in how to spend money efficiently, but even more importantly and objecting for unreasonable spends and knowing when to vote no.
  • Transparency: Clear communication with votes and explanations of reasoning, and an equivalent demand for proposals to do the same. Too often we see thousands, if not millions, being rolled up together and glossed over during proposals.
  • Accountability: Too often once a decision is done, having proper accountability becomes an afterthought. Whether it’s a DAO promise or a grant or a new program, once a DAO votes something in, we forget about it. Our goal with PGov is to both continue to check in on these decisions as well as ensure that there are proper channels set up to ensure accountability.

Conflicts of Interest:

If situations arise, we will abstain from a vote, and clearly state the conflict on the forums.


[Temp Check] Add Wrapped Super OETH market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: It seems like the whole community is in support of this except for one large whale. Not sure who this delegate was but we’d like to clarity. We have expressed out reasoning further here.

MIP-X02 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal
MIP-B32: Gauntlet’s Base Recommendations
MIP-O10: Gauntlet’s Optimism Recommendations
MIP-M39: Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Recommendations
MIP-B33: Initiating USDC rewards and Assigning Gauntlet as USDC Emissions Admin
MIP-X03: Add Wrapped rsETH (wrsETH) Market to Moonwell on Base and Optimism

We voted For: All of these on chain MIP votes are pretty staight forward and we are in support of all of them. We will look to provide further feedback during the snapshot stages now that we are a delegate and fully onboarded for such.

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MIP-X04 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal
MIP-B34: Gauntlet’s Base Recommendations
MIP-O11: Gauntlet’s Optimism Recommendations
MIP-M40: Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Recommendations

We voted For : Again, all of these on chain MIP votes are pretty staight forward and we are in support of all of them.

MIP-X05: Reduce Safety Module Cooldown to 7 Days
MIP-M41: Reduce Safety Module Cooldown Period to 7 Days on Moonbeam

We for For: Simlar reasoning for both, we are in favor of this requirement to get involved in governance and are excited to see the increased participation. Some more thoughts:


MIP-B35: Create USDC Reward Stream on cbBTC Market and Assign Gauntlet as Emissions Admin Summary

We voted For : Supporting as a baseline for Gauntlet’s market recommendations as long as there’s no contention.

MIP-B36: Enabling Public Allocator Functionality for the Moonwell Flagship EURC Vault

We voted For: Glad to see this public allocator feature set up. We are avid users of Morpho and this specific vault in particular too so nice to see the increased efficiency.

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Add wUSDM Market to Moonwell on Optimism

We voted For: We know the Mountain guys well and think they will do a great job at this market on OP. Curious is this is as part of the mandate for another project such as OP grants council grants?

[Temp Check] Add pufETH market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: The pufETh market is pretty mature and deep on Base. A few money markets and lending protocols have this already integrated, and it would make sense to do it on moonwell as well.

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Migrate Moonwell’s Bug Bounty Program Provider from Immunefi to Code4rena**

We voted For, Replace Immunefi: We’ve worked with the ImmuneFi team a lot in the past and overall are very fond of their work. However, if it makes sense to move away and towards a more passive payout system and team, especially given costs, this makes sense.


Additional revenue stream for Moonwell ecosystem via OEV implementation.

We voted Yes: This makes total sense and we don’t see any realistic drawdowns. Directing this OEV to protocol reserves is better than losing it to liquidation bots and this initial test on Aero markets makes sense.

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MIP-X06 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal

We voted For: Sustaining baseline support or these liquidity incentive proposals pending no dissent.

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MIP-X07: Gauntlet’s Monthly Recommendations (11/20/2024)

We voted For : Sustaining baseline support for Gauntlet’s market recommendations pending no dissent.

MIP-B38: Renewal of Moonwell Flagship Vaults Incentives Program

We voted For: The first iteration of this we think was a huge success and we are confident that renewing the incentives would be critical to keeping and attracting more users.

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MIP-X08: Renewal of Moonwell Vaults Incentives Program and Frontier cbBTC Vault …

We voted For: In line with renewing incentives for this vault. We agree with the methodology here.

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Evaluating OEV Solutions for Moonwell: Community Temperature Check

We voted Abstain: Abstaining here as we do not have a strong preference to either and proposed the vote.

Add LBTC to Moonwell Core Market on Base

We voted For: In favor of adding Lombard BTC onto the main markets on Base. Lombard has grown significantly over the last few months and doing so positions the DAO to grow alongside it’s adoption.

Add WELL to Moonwell Core Market on Base

We voted For: In favor of adding WELL, given low cautious parameters.

MIP-X09 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal

We voted For: Continued support of incentive proposals pending no dissent.

MIP-X10: Gauntlet’s Monthly Recommendations (12/13/2024)

We voted For: Sustaining baseline support for Gauntlet’s market recommendations pending no dissent.

Add USDS to Moonwell Core Market on Base

We voted For: USDS has proven itself to be a useful and blue ship stablecoin and we are in favor of adding such as a collateral to the core market.

Add tBTC to Moonwell Core Market on Base

We voted For: tBTC has been around for ages and we think ading it here is worthwhile.

MIP-B37: Add WELL Market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: Excited to see this be added and the cautious initial parameters makes sense for the initial onboarding.

VIRTUAL Asset Listing

We voted For: In similar reasoning to above, this makes a lot of sense and we are in favor of it being added with cautious parameters.

MIP-O12: Solidity Labs’ Oracle Extracted Value (OEV) Solution on ETH Core Market on Optimism

We voted For: Thanks for the team for helping us submit this from after the snapshot stage. We are happy to support this given the community feedback and results for the snapshot.

MIP-X11 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal

We voted For: Continued support of incentive proposals pending no dissent.

MIP-X12: Gauntlet’s Monthly Recommendations (01/15/2025)

We voted For: Continued support of Gauntlet’s monthly recommendations pending no dissent.

MIP-B38: Add USDS Market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: In line with our prior snapshot signal of support.

MIP-B39: Add tBTC Market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: In line with our prior snapshot signal of support.

MIP-B40: Add LBTC Market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: In line with our prior snapshot signal of support.

Add VIRTUAL to Moonwell Core Market on Base

We voted For: In favor of Virtuals being added cautiously and should allow for some more risk on borrowers.

MIP-B41: Add VIRTUAL Market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: In line with our prior snapshot signal of support.

Bolstering Moonwell’s Safety Module: Rewarding Stakers via Reserve Auctions

We voted Yes: In favor of these mechanisms to drive Well rewards and attractiveness in the future. We will be interested to see the exact breakdown in future discussions. Thanks to the team for their hard work on this topic!

Add USDe to Moonwell Core Market on Base and Optimism

We voted Yes: In favor of adding USDe to these markets. Ethena and USDe has been around for a while now and has quickly become a trusted blue chip. We think adding it here on Base and Optimism with cautious parameters makes sense.

MIP-X13 Automated Liquidity Incentive Proposal

We voted For: Continued support of incentive proposals pending no dissent.

Switch Moonwell’s GLMR Market to using API3’s OEV Enabled Data Feed for GLMR

We voted Abstain: No strong opinions on this, think that this doesn’t add too much benefit but also is not detrimental to change.

Add VVV to Core Market on Base

We voted Abstain: No strong opinions on this. We are in favor of adding additional collateral types, but are concerned with how new VVV is. Would certainly be worth looking at again in the future we think, just a little early.

Add IDRX to Moonwell Ecosystem on Base

We voted Against: There’s no good reason for IDRX to be added right now we think, and certainly not enough liquidity to do so.

MIP-X14: Expanded Rollout of Solidity Labs’ OEV Solution Across Base and OP Mainnet (Phase 1)

We voted For: Seeing the successful prior rollout, it makes sense to expand in our opinon.

Add MORPHO market to Moonwell on Base

We voted For: There is a lot of synergies between Morpho and Moonwell and it makes sense to allow for Morpho as collateral in a conservative and trial run.

Add AVAIL market to Moonwell on Base

We voted Abstain: We think there’s no good reason for AVIAL to be added right now, but not necessarily against it as it is a large and well known project.