MIP 61 Gauntlet Risk Parameter Recs for Artemis 2023-07-11

Review of [MIP 61] Risk Parameter Updates for Artemis (2023-07-12)


Proposal assessment

We support Gauntlet’s proposal of increasing the collateral factor and borrow caps of both xcUSDT and USDC.wh.

Parameter Current value Recommended value
xcUSDT Collateral Factor 55% 60%
xcUSDT Borrow Cap 1,300,000 1,400,000
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 64% 66%
xcUSDC Borrow Cap 3,000,000 3,300,000

Based on our analysis we think the proposed changes are appropriate and pass our parameter robustness review.

Additional Recommendations

  1. We also recommend updating the IRM for FRAX in order to keep rates in line with comparable markets and decrease utilization to more optimal levels.
Symbol Base rate Multiplier Kink Jump multiplier
FRAX 0 0.05 0.0625 0.8 0.25
  1. We also recommend setting the xcUSDT borrow cap higher than recommended by Gauntlet to accommodate the market’s borrowing demand for xcUSDT.
Symbol Actual Gauntlet recommendation Warden recommendation
xcUSDT 1,300,000 1,400,000 1,600,000

Key Observations

  1. Utilization for FRAX has been constantly over the kink utilization rate (>80%) for the last 90 days.

  2. Onchain liquidity for key assets in the Moonbeam ecosystem has improved over the last 30 days. This is due to a significant increase in liquidity for key DEX pools holding WELL, GLMR, ETH.wh and xcDOT.

  1. Recent onchain liquidity increase for WELL and GLMR is most likely the consequence of very attractive WELL rewards for WELL / GLMR LPs on StellaSwap v2.

Robustness Analysis

Our analysis tests the robustness of all of the following changes proposed by Gauntlet:

Symbol Parameter Current Recommended
xcUSDT Collateral Factor 55% 60%
xcUSDT Borrow Cap 1,300,000 1,400,000
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 64% 66%
USDC.wh Borrow Cap 3,000,000 3,300,000

xcUSDT Collateral Factor Increase

Gauntlet’s recommendation:

Symbol Parameter Current Recommended
xcUSDT Collateral Factor 55% 60%

The collateral factor gives the protocol sufficient room to wait for 1 hour to execute a liquidations profitably without incurring bad debt even if the asset price decrease by the historical max drawdown

Results: :green_circle: Pass
Suggested collateral factor factor provides 28.92% more buffer than minimal requirement.


Methodology: Validate that (1 - collateral factor) covers the sum of following values at minimum

  • Max drawdown (1h)
  • Liquidation incentive


  • Max drawdown (1h) = -1.08%
  • Liquidation incentive = 10%
  • Required buffer = 11.08%
  • Proposed buffer = (1 - collateral factor) = 40% (2892 bps more than 11.08%)

Source: xcUSDT Token Dashboard

xcUSDT volatility

Parameter change doesn’t make any account liquidatable

Results: :green_circle: N/A
Does not apply to CF increase

Test: Parameter changes do not increase market risk exposure beyond desired level

Results: :green_circle: N/A
Does not apply to CF increase

xcUSDT Borrow Cap Increase

Gauntlet’s recommendation:

Symbol Parameter Current Recommended
xcUSDT Borrow Cap 1,300,000 1,400,000

Protocol short exposure to underlying assets is manageable

Results: :green_circle: Pass
Debt position of 20% of borrow cap could be theoretically liquidated


Methodology: For every market, all of the following trades can be executed with under 5% slippage

  • #1 Buy 20% of xcUSDT borrow cap from stables
  • #2 Liquidate the largest xcUSDT debt position


Test case #1: Slippage to purchase 20% of xcUSDT borrow cap:

  • 20% of borrow cap = 280,000 xcUSDT
  • :green_circle: Slippage to buy $280k xcUSDT from stables = <1%

Tests case #2: Slippage to liquidate the largest xcUSDT debt position:

  • Largest debt position: $193.8k (0xb554…1dab)
  • :green_circle: Slippage to buy $193.8k xcUSDT from position collateral (xcUSDT) = 0%
  • Note: Account is holding a recursive strategy which doesn’t pose significant liquidity risk as-is. Even supposing a case where the account was holding a collateral position in an uncorrelated currency (i.e GLMR), the position could still be liquidated very quickly.

xcUSDT Token Dashboard

Historical TVL for pools holding xcUSDT

Slippage to buy xcUSDT from uncorrelated collateral-tier asset

Slippage to buy xcUSDT from stable asset

Slippage to sell xcUSDT for uncorrelated collateral-tier asset

Slippage to sell xcUSDT for stable asset

USDC.wh Collateral Factor Increase

Gauntlet’s recommendation:

Symbol Parameter Current Recommended
USDC.wh Collateral Factor 64% 66%

The collateral factor gives the protocol sufficient room to wait for 1 hour to execute a liquidations profitably without incurring bad debts even if the asset price decrease by the historical max drawdown

Results: :green_circle: Pass
Suggested collateral factor provides 17.32% more buffer than minimal requirement


Methodology: Validate that (1 - collateral factor) covers the sum of following values at minimum

  • Max drawdown (1h)
  • Liquidation incentive


  • Max drawdown (1h) = -5.32%
  • Liquidation incentive = 10%
  • Required buffer = 15.32%
  • Proposed buffer = (1 - collateral factor) = 34%

Source: USDC.wh Token Dashboard

USDC.wh volatility

Parameter change doesn’t make any account liquidatable

Results: :green_circle: N/A
Does not apply to CF increase

Parameter changes do not increase market risk exposure beyond desired level

Results: :green_circle: N/A
Does not apply to CF increase

USDC.wh Borrow Cap Increase

Gauntlet’s recommendation:

Symbol Parameter Current Recommended
USDC.wh Borrow Cap 3,000,000 3,300,000

Protocol short exposure to underlying assets is manageable

Results: :green_circle: Pass
Debt position of 20% of borrow cap could be theoretically liquidated


Methodology: For every market, all of the following trades can be executed with under 5% slippage

  • #1 Buy 20% of USDC.wh borrow cap from stables
  • #2 Liquidate the largest USDC.wh debt position

Test case #1 Slippage to purchase 20% of USDC.wh borrow cap:

  • 20% of borrow cap = 755.86k USDC.wh
  • :green_circle: Slippage to buy $755.63k USDC.wh from stables = <1%

Tests case #2 Slippage to liquidate the largest USDC.wh debt position:

  • Largest debt position: 755.86k USDC.wh (0xb554…1dab)
  • :green_circle: Slippage to buy 755.86k USDC.wh from account main collateral (USDC.wh) = 0%
  • :yellow_circle: Slippage to buy 755.86k USDC.wh from other collateral in account (ETH.wh) = 5% in chunks of $63k
  • Note: Account is holding a recursive strategy which doesn’t pose significant liquidity risk as-is. However, supposing a case where the account would get liquidated by seizing its ETH.wh collateral, the liquidation could require a significant amount of time to execute profitably.

Source: USDC.wh

Historical TVL for pools holding USDC.wh

Slippage to buy USDC.wh from uncorrelated collateral-tier asset

Slippage to buy USDC.wh from stable asset

Slippage to sell USDC.wh for uncorrelated collateral-tier asset

Slippage to sell USDC.wh for stable asset