Warden Finance - Moonbeam and Moonriver Risk Updates (08-15-2023)

Warden Finance - Moonbeam and Moonriver Risk Updates (08-15-2023)

Hi all,

We are sharing our risk updates for Moonwell on Moonbeam and Moonriver to the community, along with recommendations based on our risk methodology for Moonwell.

Key Observations


  • Utilization for FRAX has been constantly above kink for the last 90 days.
  • Borrow cap usage for xcUSDT has been at over 90% for the last 30 days. About $100k in liquidity is available to borrow.


  • DEX liquidity level for all markets on Moonriver is very low, which makes it difficult to profitably liquidate any risky debt positions of over $20k within a reasonable amount of time.



  1. Increase xcUSDT borrow cap from 1.4M to 1.6M.
  2. Increase FRAX IRM multiplier from 0.05 to 0.0625
    • Assuming demand for borrowing is elastic to rate, this change should lower market utilization down to target level (under the kink).
Market Base Multiplier Kink Jump multiplier Reserve factor
FRAX 0 0.05 → 0.0625 0.8 2.5 0.15
xcUSDT 0 0.0625 0.8 2.5 0.15
USDC.wh 0 0.0625 0.8 2.5 0.15
Interest rate curve Base (0%) At kink (80%) Max rate (100%)
Current 0 4% 105%
Proposed 0 5% (+1%) 106%



  • Reduce borrow caps for all markets on Moonriver in order to mitigate risk of accumulating bad debt.
Market Borrow cap (current) Borrow cap usage (current) Target borrow cap usage Borrow cap (suggested)
MOVR 120k MOVR ($620k) 50% 85% 70k MOVR ($360k)
xcKSM 10k xcKSM ($450k) 41% 85% 4.8k xcKSM ($216k)
FRAX 1M FRAX ($1M) 24% 85% 285k FRAX ($285k)



  • Utilization for FRAX and xcUSDT markets are above kink. FRAX utilization has been over kink for more than 90 days.
  • DEX liquidity level for xcUSDT would allow to quickly liquidate a debt position representing 20% of borrow cap, even when increasing the borrow cap to 1.6M.
  • Change in DEX liquidity levels is within normal 30d range for all markets (+/- 25%)
Market Total supply Total borrows Utilization Borrow rate Borrow cap Borrow cap usage Liquidity depth 5% Liquidity depth 10% DEX liquidity (30d change)
USDC.wh $3.7M $2.8M 76% 4.88% $3.3M 85% $655k $718k $3M (-20%)
FRAX $5.8M $4.8M 82% 9.56% $5.25M 91% $645k $710k $2.3M (-20%)
xcUSDT $1.6M $1.29M 81% 8.89% $1.4M 92% $912k $973k $2.1M (-23%)
ETH.wh $1.5M $53k 4% 2.68% $2M 2.5% $88.8k $112k $410k (+10%)
BTC.wh $5.7M $1.1M 20% 5.18% $3.2M 34% $46.7k $83.6k $175k (+0%)
xcDOT $4M $2.44M 61% 16.58% $4.6M 53% $102k $115k $1.1M (-20%)
GLMR $5.3M $1.76M 33% 7.26% $5.2M 34% $104k $119k $3.2M (-5%)



  • For all markets currently active on Moonriver, slippage cost would be too high to profitably liquidate a debt position representing 20% of borrow cap with less than 10 transactions. Inability to profitably liquidate risky positions within a reasonable amount of time increases the risk for the protocol to accumulate bad debt.
Market Total supply Total borrows Utilization Borrow rate Borrow cap Borrow cap usage Liquidity depth 5% Liquidity depth 10% DEX liquidity (30d change)
MOVR $933k $310k 33% 7.26% $620k 50% $2.3k $4.8k -
xcKSM $980k $186k 19% 5.02% $450k 41% $1.6k $3.4k -
FRAX $300k $244k 79% 4.01% $1M 24% $2.3k $4.8k -


Future recommendations

Below is a list of items we will be monitoring over the next weeks:

  • IRM for stable markets on Moonbeam may need to be adjusted if utilization remains high (>80%) for extended periods of time (>30 days).
  • Further risk parameter updates on Moonriver may be needed if DEX liquidity on Moonriver keeps trending down.

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Labels for the interest rate curves in the graph (‘Current’ and ‘Proposed’) were mistakenly switched with one another. The graph has been edited to display correct labels. (Thanks @delz :slight_smile: )

Gauntlet’s Moonbeam Recommendations

Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 1 risk parameters:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
wETH.wh Borrow Cap 1,110 500


Our recommendations will maintain the VaR at $0 and keep LaR stable at $561k. The collateral factors for WETH.wh, WGLMR, WBTC.wh, FRAX, xcUSDT, USDC.wh, and xcDOT effectively balance risk with capital efficiency.

We recommend to decrease ETH.wh’s borrow cap based on the overall liquidity withdrawal of the asset from the ecosystem.

WETH.wh On-chain Total Circulating Supply

As we make recommendations through our risk models, we keep a constant check on the market liquidity and concentration risk to the Moonbeam protocol. In this regard, we would like to present some key liquidity figures for Moonbeam assets to share with the community. Since our last post, liquidity has increased for non-stablecoins.

Asset Borrow Cap Relative to Circulating Supply Total Circulating Supply 25% Depth 25% Depth USD Prev Mth - 25% Depth
ETH.wh 112% 992 31 $51,553 75
USDC.wh 84% 3,935,301 700,000 $700,000 1,100,000
WBTC.wh 73% 152 2.3 $59,940 5
xcUSDT 98% 1,433,652 580,000 $580,000 1,100,000
xcDOT 73% 1,260,373 11,000 $49,610 27,000
FRAX 99% 5,319,872 580,000 $580,000 1,100,000
WGLMR* 160% 14,127,936 250,000 $49,700 550,000

*WGLMR circulating supply doesn’t include non-wrap tokens.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

Supporting Data

The below figures show trends on key market statistics regarding borrows and utilization that we will continue to monitor:

Top 10 Borrowers’ Aggregate Positions & Borrow Usages

Top 10 Borrowers’ Entire Supply

Top 10 Borrowers’ Entire Borrows

Utilization Rate of Assets - Timeseries

Link to chart

Borrow Cap Utilization

FRAX and xcUSDT borrow cap usage are hovering around 90%. With the borrow amounts representing 90%+ of circulating supply of tokens on the Moonbeam ecosystem and the decrease in DEX liquidity conditions, Gauntlet will not recommend increasing the caps.

Moonbeam 2% Market Depth for non-Stables

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Artemis Risk Dashboard to better understand the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk in Artemis.

Value at Risk represents the 95th percentile insolvency value that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Liquidations at Risk represents the 95th percentile liquidation volume that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Gauntlet’s Moonriver Recommendations

Simple Summary

A proposal to adjust 3 borrow cap parameters across 3 assets:

Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
FRAX’s Borrow Cap 1,000,000 300,000
WMOVR’s Borrow Cap 120,000 76,000
xcKSM’s Borrow Cap 19,000 11,000


VaR is $0 our recommendations will leave it unchanged. LaR is unchanged at $42.5k.

Following the multichain incident, only three liquidity pools remain active in the Moonwell Moonriver market. Based on the decreased liquidity depths within Solarbeam and low borrow usage of assets (<50%), we advise reducing borrow caps across the 3 assets. This measure is recommended to further mitigate potential liquidity risks to the protocol.

After the Multichain event, Moonwell Moonriver has experienced a total bad debt of $137k USD. These two positions represent ~92% of the bad debt:

Address Bad Debt
0x978565840a231948a59d8816c6e091677767b985 $100,745
0x21e3fc973b311ac47cfa68059d9f0d948764175b $27,658

There are sufficient protocol reserves to cover the debt expenses.

Collateral Usage and Collateralization Ratios

We continute to monitor the protocol’s collateral usage within the protocol. We are not recommending any further actions based on current collateral factors and simulation results but further actions will need to be taken if on-chain liquidity does not improve.


This set of parameter updates seeks to maintain the overall risk tolerance of the protocol while making risk trade-offs between specific assets.

Gauntlet’s parameter recommendations are driven by an optimization function that balances 3 core metrics: insolvencies, liquidations, and borrow usage. Parameter recommendations seek to optimize for this objective function. Our agent-based simulations use a wide array of varied input data that changes on a daily basis (including but not limited to asset volatility, asset correlation, asset collateral usage, DEX / CEX liquidity, trading volume, expected market impact of trades, and liquidator behavior). Gauntlet’s simulations tease out complex relationships between these inputs that cannot be simply expressed as heuristics. As such, the input metrics we show below can help understand why some of the param recs have been made but should not be taken as the only reason for recommendation. To learn more about our methodologies, please see the Helpful Links section at the bottom.

Supporting Data

The below figures show trends on key market statistics regarding borrows and utilization that we will continue to monitor:

Top 10 Borrowers’ Aggregate Positions & Borrow Usages

Top 10 Borrowers’ Entire Supply

Top 10 Borrowers’ Entire Borrows

First borrower 7767b985 and 8764175b represents the bad debt accounts mentioned previously. We will continue to monitor account 3f5cbb57 with their non-recursive position but other larger positions are less risk prone with their recursive strategies.

Utilization Rate of Assets - Timeseries

Link to chart

Borrow Cap Utilization

Risk Dashboard

The community should use Gauntlet’s Moonriver Risk Dashboard to understand better the updated parameter suggestions and general market risk.

Value at Risk represents the 95th percentile insolvency value that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Liquidations at Risk represents the 95th percentile liquidation volume that occurs from simulations we run over a range of volatilities to approximate a tail event.

Quick Links

Please click below to learn about our methodologies:

Gauntlet Parameter Recommendation Methodology
Gauntlet Model Methodology

By approving this proposal, you agree that any services provided by Gauntlet shall be governed by the terms of service available at gauntlet.network/tos.

Response to FRAX IR, xcUSDT Borrow Cap, and xcKSM Recommendations

Gauntlet has reservations about increasing the IR curve on FRAX based on the inelasticity of borrow positions. Utilization has stayed near the kink and hasn’t crossed the 84% as shown in the chart below.

Utilization has remained under 90%, ensuring it shouldn’t negatively impact liquidations. Gauntlet recommends not increasing the IR curve’s Multiplier for these reasons.

For xcUSDT, the community decided to increase the cap last month to 1.4M when there was relatively higher DEX liquidity and circulating supply. Since giving that recommendation, total xcUSDT supply has decreased to represent 98% of current borrow cap and DEX liquidity has decreased by 47% for (xcUSDT → USDC.wh) $1.1M to $520k. We do not support increasing xcUSDT’s borrow cap until liquidity has improved within the Moonbeam ecosystem.

The borrow cap decrease in xcKSM to 4.8k will freeze borrowing on the Moonriver market based on current usage of 8.8k. We do not recommend taking action to freeze xcKSM borrowing market at current borrow usage. We support lowering the borrowing cap to 11k.

MIP-R01 Parameter Recs for Moonriver (Follow-up)

Hi Community,
We are following up with the risk parameter recommendations for Moonriver MIP-R01, which is currently going through governance. Here is the governance proposal. The current proposal has not reached quorom with 20 hours left. Gauntlet recommends to the community to pass this proposal’s borrow cap decreases as advised by both @warden and @Gauntlet

Rationale for Recommendations


Parameter Current Value Recommended Value
FRAX’s Borrow Cap 1,000,000 300,000
WMOVR’s Borrow Cap 120,000 76,000
xcKSM’s Borrow Cap 19,000 11,000

Following the multichain incident, only three liquidity pools remain active in the Moonwell Moonriver market. Based on the decreased liquidity depths within Solarbeam and low borrow cap usage of assets (<50%), we advise reducing borrow caps across the all 3 assets. This measure is recommended to mitigate potential insolvency risks to the protocol.

In the Solarbeam DEX, the slippage costs are prohibitively high, making it unprofitable for liquidators to address under-collateralized positions. Reducing these borrow caps can better safeguard the protocol from undesirable position exposures.

Asset 10% DEX Liquidity Depth 10% DEX Liquidity Depth ($) 25% DEX Liquidity Depth 25% DEX Liquidity Depth ($)
MOVR 300 $1,230 850 $3,485
xcKSM 60 $1,122 170 $3,179
FRAX 1200 $1,200 3500 $3,500