Woodstock - Delegate to me


  • Name: Woodstock Fund
  • ERC-20 Address: 0x52104cf04EbD63da93113493402C44c20954d359
  • Statement of intent: Woodstock aims to support the Moonwell community by participating in governance actively.
  • Framework for voting: For Woodstock, the key goal is finding the right balance between what the Moonwell community wants and what the Moonwell team needs. As investors in Moonwell and proponents of web3 and decentralization, Woodstock will actively vote in proposals that align with our web3 values to help Moonwell become the most successful dApp on Moonbeam.
  • Background and Qualifications: Web3-focused VC fund
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/Woodstockfund
  • Website: https://woodstockfund.com/