Ai Gaurdian Quorum Roll - The last Piece of the Puzzle

Guardian Quorum role using AI Guardians, activated only if the quorum is not met:

1. Proposal Submission and Initial Voting

  1. Proposal Submission: DAO Delegates submit proposals.
  2. Initial Voting Period: Allocate a fixed period (A Time) for DAO members to vote on the proposal.

2. Quorum Requirements

  1. Quorum Threshold: Define a quorum threshold (% of all DAO tokens) required for a proposal to pass based solely on DAO voting.

3. AI Guardian Role

  1. AI Guardian Selection: Deploy two AI agents trained on the DAO’s historical data, governance principles, and community preferences.
  2. AI Guardian Responsibilities: The AI Guardians analyze proposals and make decisions based on pre-defined algorithms that align with the DAO’s goals.

4. AI Guardian Intervention Mechanism

  1. Quorum Not Met: If the quorum threshold is not met within the initial voting period, the proposal enters a secondary phase where AI Guardians can intervene.
  2. Secondary Voting Period: Initiate a secondary voting period (e.g., 3 days) for AI Guardians to evaluate and vote on the proposal.

5. AI Voting Process

  1. AI Analysis: The AI Guardians independently analyze the proposal based on criteria such as:
    • Alignment with DAO objectives.
    • Potential impact on the community and ecosystem.
    • Historical voting patterns and outcomes.
  2. Majority Requirement: Both AI Guardians must independently approve the proposal for it to pass. This dual approval system ensures reliability and reduces the risk of errors.

6. Final Decision

  1. Proposal Passes: If the quorum is met in the initial voting period, or if both AI Guardians approve the proposal in the secondary voting period, the proposal is enacted.
  2. Proposal Fails: If the quorum is not met and the AI Guardians do not approve the proposal, it fails and can be revised or resubmitted.

7. Transparency and Accountability

  1. AI Decision Logs: The decision-making process of the AI Guardians should be transparent, with logs recorded on-chain. This includes:
    • Criteria used for analysis.
    • Reasons for approval or disapproval.
  2. Community Review: DAO members can review and audit AI Guardian decisions to ensure alignment with community interests.

8. Smart Contract Implementation

  1. Smart Contracts: Implement the voting and decision-making process through smart contracts to ensure automation and transparency.
  2. AI Integration: Integrate AI models with smart contracts to enable automated decision-making based on predefined rules.

9. Emergency Measures

  1. Emergency Override: In cases of urgent proposals (security issues), an emergency mechanism allows for expedited AI Guardian decisions or lower quorum thresholds.

Example Flow

  1. Proposal Submitted: A proposal is submitted and enters the initial voting period.
  2. DAO Voting: DAO members vote, but the quorum is not met.
  3. AI Analysis: The proposal moves to the AI Guardians for secondary analysis.
  4. AI Approval: Both AI Guardians analyze and approve the proposal.
  5. Proposal Enacted: The proposal is enacted based on the AI Guardians’ approval.

Ensuring Reliability

  1. Regular Updates: Continuously update and train AI models based on new data and evolving community preferences.
  2. Testing and Validation: Regularly test AI models to ensure they function correctly and make decisions aligned with DAO goals.
  3. Fallback Mechanism: Implement a fallback mechanism where the Security Council can intervene if AI systems fail or make incorrect decisions.

By leveraging AI Guardians in the quorum system only when the initial quorum is not met, the DAO can ensure that important proposals are not hindered by low voter turnout, while maintaining a decentralized and transparent decision-making process.

This alows delegates to be used only for the sole intrest of proposal creation without Delegate Dao Voting Power Intervene in The Quorum Model.