The goal of the Moonwell Delegate Rush program is to expand the governance participant roster and gain multiple highly active, knowledgeable, and motivated new delegates. Below is a summary of the Program, including key changes to how Moonwell Delegates onboard and progress through established roles. The changes to the delegate structure will persist after the Delegate Rush program ends.
Main Points
- Moonwell is implementing a new, tiered Delegate system to onboard and compensate the DAO’s hard-working participants.
- To kick off the launch of this system, Moonwell is running a 2-month Delegate Rush program where prospective delegates can apply and join Moonwell’s delegate roster on a fast track.
Introducing Delegate Roles
The Delegate Roles onboarding pathway outlines a way for prospective delegates to progress through established tiers and become official Moonwell Delegates. Participants progress through each role provided they meet the minimum qualifications outlined below.
- Junior Delegate
- Delegate
- Super Delegate
Participants must meet the following criteria should they choose to progress to a higher-level role:
- Maintain delegate status for the minimum required number of months in their current role.
- Fulfill their current role’s minimum participation requirements for the specified number of months.
- The role they are moving to has available space for new participants. Some roles are resource-limited, so there may be a cap on the maximum number of participants the role can have at any given time.
Roles Explained
Junior Delegate
- Read all of Moonwell’s documentation, including the DAO Constitution
- Create at least 10 well-informed, insightful, and unique forum replies
- Create at least one well-informed, insightful, and unique forum post
- Have at least 50,000 WELL delegated to you
- Update your forum delegate profile with a
at the start of your post’s title
Available Contributions
- Make insightful comments on forum proposals created by other Delegates, Super Delegates, or third-party proposers. Indicate your voting preferences and make a case for the community to support your decision.
- Vote regularly on both Snapshot and onchain Moonwell Improvement Proposals.
Contribution Minimums
- Complete the Available Contributions above throughout one month of proposals. Vote on at least 80% of proposals during that period.
- Join that month’s Monthly Governance Call. If you are unable to attend live, participate in the #gov-call-async channel
- Become a regular on the #MoonwellGovernance channels on Discord. You don’t have to post daily, but you should contribute where it makes sense at least once in the one-month role period.
Extra Notes on Junior Delegates
For the forum replies and forum post requirements, please remember: it’s quality over quantity. We are looking for organic and unique discussions, not posts that could be written using AI. If you only see the opportunity to make six or seven insightful replies instead of ten, do that! You will still be considered for progression to this role.
- Have at least 200,000 WELL delegated to you
- Submit a successful Snapshot proposal
- Demonstrate your understanding of the Moonwell ecosystem through a Delegate Quiz
- Update your forum delegate profile with a
at the start of your post’s title
Available Contributions
- Delegates are the backbone of Moonwell Governance. At this stage, it’s your responsibility to complete all of the contributions from the Junior Delegate role, plus start submitting Snapshot proposals. We want to prevent low-quality or malicious proposals, therefore only passed Snapshot proposals will count.
- Provide governance information and research material. If there’s something new and exciting happening in other ecosystems, bring it up for a discussion on the forums.
Contribution Minimums
- Complete the Available Contributions above over the course of three months of proposals
- Submit at least one successful Snapshot proposal within the three-month role period.
- Join at least two Monthly Governance Calls within these three months. If you’re unable to attend live, participate in the #gov-call-async channel
Super Delegate
- Receive a nomination from an existing Super Delegate
- Availability: this tier is resource-limited. There must be space to accommodate your progression to this role. For the foreseeable future, this role is limited to five total Super Delegates.
- Pass a comprehensive Super Delegate Quiz
- Have at least 1,000,000 WELL delegated to you
- Submit at least one successful onchain Moonwell Improvement Proposal
- Onboard with Moonwell Foundation and conduct KYC
- Update your forum delegate profile with a
at the start of your post’s title
Available Contributions
- Super Delegates are invaluable members of Moonwell governance. These delegates go above and beyond; nobody knows more about Moonwell governance than them. They are active in some capacity in Moonwell governance on a daily basis. They create proposals regularly. They complete all of the contributions from both the Junior Delegate role and the Delegate role.
- Forum maintenance - Super Delegates are given moderation rights in the Moonwell Governance Forum and are expected to manage quality forum engagement.
- Ensure proposals are up to standard and that they follow the templates. Remind delegates to give feedback on proposals. Ensure asset listing proposals conform to MALF (Moonwell Asset Listing Framework).
- Review contributions from active Junior Delegates and Delegates and assist when/where applicable.
Contribution Minimums
- Complete the Available Contributions above
- Join at least three Monthly Governance Call within six months. If you are unable to attend live, participate in the #gov-call-async channel
Extra Notes on Super Delegates
The Super Delegate role is when Delegates can begin to receive compensation. To reflect the increased importance of delegates in this tier, Super Delegates will receive a monthly stipend of $1,000.00 per month, paid in USDC from the Moonwell Foundation.
Maintaining status as a Super Delegate is dependent on actively participating and completing the Contribution Minimums. If a Super Delegate does not adequately meet these requirements each month, they may be demoted. We will consider that extraordinary circumstances occur; a two-week grace period will be granted to Super Delegates who may be experiencing other life demands. Other grounds for demotion include, but are not limited to, illegal, malicious, or non-reputable behavior.
Two of Moonwell’s pre-existing delegates will be onboarded as Super Delegates, leaving room for three additional Super Delegates at the launch of the program. Again, note that the Super Delegate roster may change over time and that five is the current limit.
To successfully vote, delegates must be aware of quorum requirements, proposal thresholds, and the voting period parameters listed in the docs. New delegates can also read the section on voting to understand how voting takes place and the platforms used.
The Moonwell Delegate Onboarding roles are intended for engaged delegates to become increasingly involved in governance and, in some cases, receive compensation for their efforts. However, these delegates are not employees of the Moonwell Foundation nor any of its affiliates.
Delegate Rush Program
Moonwell is excited to announce the launch of Delegate Rush, a 2-month period where anyone can apply to become a Moonwell delegate. Users who are successfully accepted will skip the Junior Delegate tier and will be onboarded as a mid-tier Delegate. To apply, prospective delegates need to:
- Look at example delegate pitches on the forums.
- Create their pitch. State their intent, core values, & their background and experience.
In addition to these requirements, incoming Delegates are expected to act with integrity and transparency, vote in the best interest of the Moonwell DAO, and provide constructive and well-researched feedback. See the requirements and contributions for Junior Delegate and Delegate above to understand what will be expected of accepted delegates.
Eligibility Criteria for Instant Promotion to Delegate Tier:
- Complete the application requirements above
- Receive more than 200,000 WELL delegated to you during the Rush
Program Steps:
- 1-month Delegate Application Period. Applications will be open from September 13th through October 11th.
- 1-month Delegation Period. Prospective Delegates will be listed in the Moonwell UI. The delegation period will last from October 12th through November 9th. WELL tokenholders can use the UI to delegate their tokens to the applicants they wish to support. Prospective Delegates who receive 200,000 WELL or more during this phase will continue with onboarding into the Delegate tier.